How did Gravy start?!


How did Gravy start?

I'm just wondering because it's so yummy, popular, and it's very good for Mashed Potatoes and Chicken.

From Food Timeline-- history notes: sauces

People have been cooking meats in various sauces and stocks from very ancient times. Why? The liquid acted as a cooking medium, made tough meat more palatable, and added flavor to the dish. Gravies evolved over time according to ingredient availabilty, local tastes, and traditional cuisine. Some are composed of meat drippings, others from creamy components. Today, gravies are typically used as a cooking medium, thickening agent, and topping. There are hundreds of recipes.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the English word "gravy" is obscure in origin. It is most likely derived from the Old French word "grane." The earliest printed evidence of this word in our language from the Forme of Curry, an English cookbook circa 1390.



I would say gravy started in European countries centuries ago. Gravy is also another word for what most people call spaghetti sauce

Well now it seems from my research that gravy got its start back in the hills of Kentucky before the white man ever set foot on American soil.It seems there was a small tribe way back in the hills, in what is not Bell county which is right on the Tennessee , Kentucky and Virginia border. Well many years ago before man got his start there was a meteor that struck Bell county and formed the largest crater in the world, the city of Middlesboro is in the center of the crater.Well as this small tribe was making the crater their home they found a small piece of the meteor, it was the size of a large skillet. They started frying their meats in this skillet since it was heat resistant and held the grease in thus making the meat brown better. Well one day after days of frying meat in the skillet one of the women decided to clean the skillet. She could not think of what to use to remove the grease. Well after much deliberation she tried a leaf or two with no luck. Then she tried some of the wheat stalks the other women were beating to make bread. Well right after she started cleaning the skillet mother nature called so she ran over behind a bush leaving the wheat stalks in the skillet with the grease. When she returned the grease had thickened and turned medium brown in color.She thought she ought to thin it down to make it easier to remove which lead her to add the only liquid she had which was some milk from the tribal cow. She poured it into the skillet and started stirring it into the thickened mess.Well it thinned out more that she thought and it splashed around a bit and a little bit splashed out on her hand , burning her,this caused her to drop the skillet onto a rock which in turn made the mess splash all over with some landing on one of the braves bread. Well he was pretty hungry and he was not looking as he gobbled down his food. When he reached over for the bread she tried to warn him alas he did not hear her cries not to eat the bread.Well once the bread hit his taste buds his lit up and he looked down at the bread to see why it was wet and so tasty. He walked over to the woman and she explained to him what had happened and from the day on they always had gravy with their bread and meat. That is the story of how gravy came to be.

idk, but its good!!

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