What is the most embarrising thing you have ever done?!


What is the most embarrising thing you have ever done?

mine is making a complete a*** of myself at a works xmas party.i got that drunk that i was dancing for an hour when there wasnt any music playing,going up to claim a raffle prize that i hadn't even won,got carried out by 3 people,and ended up in A + E with rudolph antlers and make up on.the best bit was my mum was called of the ward to see me as she was working there that night and gave me the biggest mouthful of abuse ever in front of everyone.i had alot of apologising to do the next day.

Walked to the local co-op with my nipple peeping out,I didnt realise until I got home.

I walked into a public men's bathroom without realizing it and went into the stall. When I came back out, I was surrounded by very surprised men.

I pretended everything was cool, washed my hands, primped in the mirror and walked out.

I laughed all the way home - some alcohol was involved...

Well, I didn't use spell check once... embarrassing! (hint, hint)

Tripped walking out of an interview. Like 10 hot guys saw it too!

I went to the ob/gyn for the first time, he had to do an overall checkup, so he told me to get undressed and put on a gown.

By the next visit, I did the same thing, I got undressed and was wondering why the nurse didn't give me a gown, she only gave me like a big napkin or something.

Anyways, I got undressed and was trying to cover myself with this napkin the nurse gave me.
The doctor comes in and starts laughing: "Why did you get undressed?, oh, I guess you didn't understand"!!!

I was too embarressed to say anything, I just hoped that the floor beneath me would open so that I can just hide there!!!

slipt and fell face first in dog poop and ate it.

farted on my doctor

Farted in church.

the most embarrassing thing i have done is to pee my pants!

I farted at a job interview..!! ( i didn't get the job )

I walked into the women's loo

Ha ha ha cheered up my day

............. :-D ............ Thanks Friend .........

Mine, well I guess I will share the time I stayed at a girlfriends house, I was a little erm inebriated myself and during the night must have been in dire need of relief from a huge pressure in my bladder, I must have risen during the night and being in strange place, it was only the second time I had stayed there, could not find the bathroom so relieved myself up against her music stand, quiet an accomplished musician she is, standing out in the middle of the room with the previous days practice out upon it, fortunately missed that, but did manage a wee puddle found in the morning, well not so wee but wee really if you get me drift .....

Not sure her mother ever forgave me and she never let it drop all the time we were together, suprisingly ?,for more than a year after the event

Please note this WAS more than 20 years ago and me but a yoof at the time .... :-D .... Hope that amused to some extent ...

Years ago at school hated reading out loud while reading said orgasms instead of organism, how embarrassing lol

i let loose with a horifingly loud fart in burger king once every one was staring at me as if they never cut the cheese b4

passed out on the couch at a friends party, woke up an hour or so later, got up, walked to the chair next to me, lifted the cushion, took a whizz, put the cushion down and, went back to the couch and went back to sleep. all of this in front of everyone still at the party.

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