What should I do for my 14th birthdayparty?!
So what should I do?
Hmmm...idk but teens do prefer late night slumber parties.
I've always wanted to have a party at McDonald's but I cannot afford it...
It is honestly so fun...... you can:
* Eat Happy Meals
*Play in the "Play Place"
*Sit on cool chairs
* Sometimes they give you icecream :D
* Open your presents
* 3 is enough.. the fun never ends..
* Sit on Ronald's lap
* There's usually a special chair that has your age on it 8D
* A nice lady brings you a nice cake
* You get cool hats
*They give you goody-bags
* You can bring in things to entertain
* when I was little they gave out cool posters everyone can sign :D
The possabilites never end :D
My question for you: Can I come? I LOVE MCDONALDS PARTIES.
Have a dance party in your backyard! Then have some people spend the night after or something like that. :)
Belly button shots?
throw a nice party in your backyard. order pizza, blast some music, and just have fun and dance.
Get drunk