Anyone like cheese?!


Anyone like cheese?

What is your favorite cheese and from what region?

brie, roule, applewood smoked (UK), feta

i like from unda cheese produced in northern california by me for the last 28 years

dude, I love cheese, that is why I live in Wisconsin.
If thr is ever a shortage of cheese, I take out my trusty cheesehead and snack away!!

Love it, all kinds, cant get enough.

I'm from Wisconsin, so I love all cheeses

I'm a vegan, so I eat soy cheese. This way I don't have to think about the animals I've enslaved with every bit.

l hate CHEESE lt`s nasty!!!Oh my god!!

How funny is this....I just finished swallowing the last of my string cheese when I saw yer question. Boy how I like cheese! Cheese
is a staple around here. Some have rice and potatos always on hand...we have cheese. Right now we've got (besides for string cheese) Jallepeno Jack Deli slices (one of my favs.) Preshredded Jack, Cheddar and Colby! My boyfriend is a pizza I'm always stuck making them for him! And I'm not sure what region all of the cheeses are from, Wisconsin and Switzerland are a couple..I just know we I love'em!

SmileyCat sayin' pass the cheese please!!
Oh hey...almost forgot we have Nacho cheese in there too...

Kraft American single. K-R-A-F-T!

i like cutting the cheese thats mostly

i don't like cheese well i eat it in burgers and in pizza i m from pakistan

I looooove cheese! In Holland we have the best cheese!!! But I have to say that the French and Italian cheese tastes good too.

i like all kinds of cheese accept for the blue cheese which make me sick. i love the chadder best tho.
i love cheese on my pasta
and cheese in my toast
cheese in my chicken
and cheese wen i roast
i love cheese wen im fryin
and cheese in d grill
feed me cheese if im dieng
cheese give me the chill
spread cheese on my sandwich
or cheese from d fridge
if im high off the cheese
i can jump off a bridge :)

I like Indian cottage cheese which has got a solid form and is called paneer. It is awesome in palak paneer (cottage cheese and spinach), paneer butter masala, shahi paneer, and a lot more dishes..
What like the most about is that it is so easy even to make paneer from the scratch at home, compared to other cheeses where a lot of ingredients/preservatives are there.

I live in the middle of Amish country so theres lots of good local cheese ( swiss, cheedar, yogurt)

I have cheese all the time. My wife thinks I am wierd. My favorite is still the classic marble-jack

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