Official Ring of Fire Death Match?!


Official Ring of Fire Death Match?

OK, if Captain Crunch and King Vitamin were thrown into a Ring of Fire , with the only rule is to throw the other into the fire in order to get out of the fire and into a bowl of cold milk, where the winner will die the noble death of lethal mastication, who would emerge victorous?

Futher information:

This mere treasonous act of the captain has infuriated the king, while the captain considers the actions on the king to be mutinous. According to the nutty grapevine, Captain Crunch hit first with the barbs of a sailor's tongue, "That King Vitamin cat is a fraud. As far as I'm concerned, They should have called me Captain Vitamin and just done away with all thie monarchy stuff. It's all because our so-called "King Vitamin" is such a lousy leader, that somehow children worldwide are eating fewer of my sugar-sweetened comrades The next thing to happen will be kids will be eating natural whole-grain fare and my boat will sink before it ever gets hit by the milk. Will it ever end?

king vitamin is more powerful because he takes his daily supplements of vitamin D,so he can easily bodyslam that cap'n crunch pudgy geezer into the fire of death~ then king vitamin dives into the bowl of milk,where he'll absorb more calcium vitamins & become the ultimate warrior!!

Personally I'm going for Cap'n Crunch. He is awesome. His eyebrows are on his hat. Anyone that can grow eyebrows on his hat deserves my vote.

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