Do you think I could drown myself in peanut butter without my sister noticing?!


Do you think I could drown myself in peanut butter without my sister noticing?

while we're both in the kitchen?

August 24444444tjhnnnnnnnnnna;dfkgjsd...

She'd notice. It would be too funny to see you lugging in that giant vat of chunky stuff not to notice.

Better question is, who she jump in to save you or just invite her friends over for a PB&J?


any discussion of peanut butter should be done with the utmost respect and class

can i watch

Uh, would need way too much peanut better

chunky or smooth? either way you better do it fast or she will catch you

Did you want her to eat the peanut butter afterwards?

depends on how tall you are. If your like 2 or under then yes. Anything older is iffy.

please try!!!

Yes u can!!! But remember to use jelly to!!!



no. women always notice when guys do something stupid

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