Whre can I get chocolate for my mini chocolate fountain?!


Whre can I get chocolate for my mini chocolate fountain?

Are there any shops that sells the chocolate fot the fountain or are there any websites I can go on?

Try www.thecookskitchen.com they have large bags at 9.95. Chocolate does have different melting points depending on the coco mass. Simply putting it use any chocolate but add a touch of vegetable oil with it this helps it flow easier. This is what is done if you ever see them at a show or exhibiition a large amount is added to keep it flowing, shiny and looks good. The better chocolate as above has a lovely flavour and will make it easier to use.

thorntons .co.uk

its normal choc melted down

tesco`s.. you can use the cooking chocolate.just as nice but alot cheaper.

Ask where you bought the fountain.

omg you have a choclate fountain!!!!!!

try a supermarket.... asda.... sainsburys..... tesco

Cadbury's has a massive stash going cheap! Ha ha ha

It might be slightly dodgy and I understand there's a food poisoning issue that's affected their share price. But ... hey ho


the chocolate tasting club www.hotelchocolat.co.uk

Or Try...

luxury hand made organic quality chocolate by montezuma's in sussex uk Helen and Simon started Montezuma's in 2000 having left careers as city ... Montezuma's have been called a "Super Hero" in his Food Heroes of Britain book.
www.montezumas.co.uk/ - 35k

just buy a block of chocolate and melt it there ya go.

You can order it online or just go to a store that specialiezs in cooking like the store called chef central has it they have a site www.chefcentral.com

your local bakery should have spare chocloate for a small price try that.

Go too a party supply, Mexican is the best!!!

I work at Tropical Nut & Fruit in Charlotte, NC.....but we have 6 warehouses that you can order from.....go to our website.....www.tropicalfoods.... you can call 1-800-438-4470

a store that sells mini choco fountains!

We use the plain old Hershey's syrup you buy in a can. You can buy the big can at Sam's Club - one would be enough, or you could by several smaller cans.

I use chocolate chips melted down with vegetable oil.

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