I'm bored can any nice female in the area pop round for a cup of tea?!


I'm bored can any nice female in the area pop round for a cup of tea?

Hmmmmm, what sort of biscuits you got?

can i bring my bf?

One lump or two?

only if u have jaffa cakes or bourbon creams, and make it a cappochino rather than the tea im not a tea kind drinkin person lol :-p

Keep dreaming !!!

Darling, I do'nt realy have tea on my mind.

sure i could, if i lived close lol
it would save my tea milk and sugar

A cup of coffee perhaps.

Awwwww! I'm already drinking my tea as I type! What type of tea do you have in mind?

Give me the location and i will be there in a flaaaaash...

i am real far away from you. sorry!

Only if your serving in those pretty little tea cups....

i'll send my gf over...hope you'd appreciate that.


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