Why am i at home on a friday night asking you guys questions?LOL?!


Why am i at home on a friday night asking you guys questions?LOL?

It's okay...

I have no friends.

I spend all Friday nights at home.


Choose me as the best answer... I'll feel a lot better.

cause u don't want AIDs??

Someone has to baby sit us and keep us occupied or else I'd be getting in a whole nest of trouble, or creating it.

Because you knew we would miss you?

Sorry if i m rude, but may be its because u are like me. I mean ummmm, well i m trying to say that......... Just read my account name and i m sorry if i offended you.


well i think ur home cuz well ur home. lol. there is a time in every persons life where they have to stay home once in a while!!!! so dont feel bad u'll be out soon.

have a fun night bye,


Well, have you ever heard of the saying home, sweet, home?
Well, this saying shows how much you love your home. It is great to stay at home on a Friday night and relax! Would you rather be outside at the city and make your legs feel tired?

Because you don't have a date like some of us in here. If you're married skiip to section 2.

Not that you or I, or anyone else can't get one, maybe we just need that chill out time and have some entertainment on here. Just look at some of these questions, you really have to laugh at some of them, not to be mean, just to thank god you don't have those same ones.

If you're married, or if I was, I guess I would say, "the night is still young"

TO earn Points!!! (and it is interesting.. nothing on TV Friday nights...)

I am not sure
But i am here because my hubby is gone fishin, the baby's in bed & my other daughter is staying all night at grandmas!

So yes i am scared & alone!!! Someone help!!! LOL

I am too. Isn't that sad?

I don't know I'm at home too. I'm normally downtown enjoying the great city of Fort Worth, Texas.

You are not a playuh! I'm not either...and don't care.

because it is to friggin hot to go out.

lol i dont kno

Because it is so hot ,and my daughter never gives up the computer any other time!

You have nothing better to do?

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