Have you ever thrown up at the dinner table in someone elses house?!


Have you ever thrown up at the dinner table in someone elses house?

I have. Right back on the plate. Macaroni cheese. Haven't gone near it since.

Additional Details

11 months ago
No Sheelagh. I did not apologise. It was disgusting and I was surprised everyone there didn't throw it up.
what's the point of me telling the cook it wasn't their fault if it was? They'd only inflict more of the terrible stuff on me.

11 months ago
I just am nasty, Prettybaby!

11 months ago
No Sheelagh. I did not apologise. It was disgusting and I was surprised everyone there didn't throw it up.
what's the point of me telling the cook it wasn't their fault if it was? They'd only inflict more of the terrible stuff on me.

11 months ago
I just am nasty, Prettybaby!

No, but a mate chucked in my bath, then tried to wash it away. Just meant that when I got up the next day, I had a bath full of cold sick floating on the water, the rest blocking the bottom.
Then, another mate once used my towel to wipe his **** cos he 'couldn't find bog roll'. Twatty little bastard. I no longer speak to either. Though if I saw them I'd probably give 'em a bit of a stab.

Ahhhhh I hoy at the smell I feel your pain!!

yes all the time...its a delicasy


in a restaurant under the table cloth n no1 seen lol

but i ate 3 eggs puked it out and made an omlett out of it and ate it again

iv done it in a car

nearly...had to excuse myself and run smartly to the toilet when I pit a piece of fat in my mouth by mistake...God it makes me retch just thinking about it.....

(Dont eat meat any more)..

No.. can't say I have... one would think that you would excuse yourself once you were feeling queasy. Hope you apologised and made certain the cook did not feel entirely responsible.


Not yet - but I once did an ENORMOUS poo in someone else's house that wouldn't flush away for days, apparently.

Not at the dinner table, but on a sofa. I was young, nuff said...

No but i once projectile vomited at work and scored a direct hit on the boss which was not good LOL.

I had to run from the dinner table to go do it, but then I came back and finished my meal like a good boy.

No but one Christmas my hubby and I went to his Nan's house (with the whole family). It is a small house and they put the table in the lounge, so to get out of the room you had to squeeze behind the chairs. Suddenly my hubby jumped up, ran around the table and dived over 2 of his brothers who were sat nearest the door. He ran to the downstairs loo clutching his bum. A few minutes later we heard a little voice calling out "Dave... (his brother) Can I borrow those pants you had in your stocking?". Yes, he had pooped himself at the Christmas dinner table... He he!!!

how embarrassing , no i have not

yes i did once when i was in the early stages of pregnancy it was the taste of sour milk that did it

No never have. If I felt sick I would excuse myself and go to the restroom.

no i have NEVER threw up over someone else's house or on their plate of MAC -N- CHEESE........ DATS NASTY 4 REAL

I did when I was 5. I was having an overnight at a classmate's house. Went over to have supper & then sleep over. I guess I had the flu or something. It was right at the dinner table. It was awful. I don't even remember what we were eating. I just remember feeling really embarrassed, and really sick.

Not at a dinner table, but I threw up once through the slats on an outdoor table at a barbecue.
I was stoned and had worked my way through a fair bit of red wine that day.
To make matters worse, I was wearing white jeans, which I gave a good pebble dashing to, and the owners dog was eating my puke as I lay drooling on the table.
I had to be thrown in a taxi as I couldn't walk.
It was about ten years ago and I still haven't lived it down.

By the way..there was about 50 guests there.
The only thing that saved me was the host later fighting his next door neighbour over the racket the Blues band that he had booked were making and ending up brawling in the fishpond after he had set the garden hose on him.

Not at the dinner table, but after a particularly heavy night on the sauce, I woke up in friend's spare bed having puked and had diarrhoea overnight. Without moving a msucle it would seem, as I was snuggled in between the two lovely piles.

As I explained to my host, he was lucky I did it in the bed, as the sheets could just be hosed down and washed. If I'd slept on his carpet it'd have been a little more tricky to clean. We're still friends...

No I haven't, however my dad's ex-girlfriend couldn't cook... she was the worst cook ever... One sunday she made this casserole thing and it was disgusting, none of us would eat it, except for my dad who sat there and at the lot saying it was lovely. We gave the leftovers (there were plenty) to the dog and he was sick!!!

When I was about 7 I had the headmaster for a lesson after dinner and I threw up over the desk which we were sitting at... does that count?

Eeuughh. How frightfully working class. My friends and I come from a far more refined background.

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