Do it yourself wedding reception??!


Do it yourself wedding reception??

I am having a wedding reception(very simple) Just finger foods..for about 100 people. Then afterwards, a dinner for my immediate family. I need some ideas for items that I can serve during the actual reception. If possible, something that can be made a day or two in advance. I've talked to caterers, but was thinking just doing the finger foods myself...already have the formal dinner catered.

Your wedding day is going to be very hectic, let alone the cooler space that you are going to need. I would speak to your local grocery deli (walmart is very reasonable). They have finger sandwiches, meat and cheese platter that you can serve with rolls instead of sandwich bread, vegetable platter, deviled eggs, round pumpernickel with spinach dip, fruit tray, seafood cheese dip (available in the seafood department) with Keebler cornbread crackers, and a shrimp with cocktail sauce tray (put ice under shrimp with leaf lettuce). This will give your guests a nice variety and relieves you of the stress of making it. The only things that are not available made are the pumpernickel and spinach dip you just have to cut the bread and put the spinach dip inside. I would ask a very trusted friend to pick up the food and make sure that it is ready at you reception. I hope this helps, congratulations and good luck!

Trust me, don't put so much on yourself. Save time and money by hiring a basic catering service. There are lots of mom and pop companies that will do finger sandwhiches and punch with fruit and veges for little or nothing. Good luck...And Congrats!

finger foods... wer you from? it depends on your community that your in if what is the usual finger food that your fellas like.. chicken lollipop... try it.. or a barbecue -pork on stick... its the event that matters not the food that they eat by the way... as long as food dont taste bad, its okay.... dont worry...

Good idea. Cheaper and more room for creativity =]. Anyways...

"Monkey Bread".. look it up. Very Good.

Cheese & Crackers... the normal

Shrimp Cup

Cactus Bloom Onions

Hope its helpful =]

Vote me best answer pleez!

Without knowing your "theme" I can really suggest any....
I would got to

Good luck and have fun:)

Costco is great for quick serves, although anyone that attends will know you went to Costco and therefore maybe a bit generic/tacky.

Fajita/taco bars are quick for set up and pull down, and usually easy enough to stand with plate in hand and eat.

Otherwise, buy traditional meal kind of things but cut them up small, as if you were going for a tasting buffet, rather than full meal size portions. And avoid things that could roll off the plate if people are standing (mozzarella balls in basil-love them, but they tend to roll off and drop down into my lap).


I catered my wedding reception myself and it was a lot of fun. my girlfriends all helped out and was actually one of my favourite wedding memories.

We went for the usual..chicken drumsticks, mini pizzas, simple sandwiches, quiche, small bite sized cakes, breadsticks/veggies/chips and dip..etc..

One of the easiest ways to make sandwiches for buffets is to take a hot dog bun, half it lengthways, half that across the middle and scoop some topping on top. This way saves you time, bread and the mess of people sticking fingers in to see what's in the sandwich.

I hope you have a lovely day.

really simple is fruit, cheese, bread......???

some shrimp w/ lemon wedges and cocktail sauce....???

the rule of thumb is to have it be stuff that is easy to have on a plate with a drink in your other hand..

or, go with a just dessert and coffee reception...

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