Does anyone know how to make movie theatre popcorn at home?!


Does anyone know how to make movie theatre popcorn at home?

I recently purchased an oil popper (the old fashioned kettle kind.) When I pop popcorn it doesn't taste anything like the movie theatre. Does anyone know if there's a specific oil or popcorn or topping or a combination of these? Thanks.

to make the popcorn u heat the kettle up then pour in the kernals, then some butter flavoring salt callled Flavacol, and then oil, i think its coconut oil. The movie theater butter isnt really butter eather.. its also a flavored oil.

I used to work in a movie theater

everything u need is at

i just buy orville movie theater popcorn

buy some microwavable popcorn
thats soft to eat.

the trick is alot of melted butter, or is it?

ALOT OF BUTTER-TASTE LIKE oil Mixed with other artificial/natutal added ingredients like soybean/ palm kernal oil, special flavoring( orange) salt and even milk

We just purchase Orville's microwaveable packs. They do taste just like movie theater.

Palm Kernal oil (the worst kind) lots of salt and butter. I don't think anybody still pops corn on the stove like we did, but it wasn't much different than the bag kind in a microwave, just messier and man! what it would do if you burned it in a pan! I have seen the oil at some stores in the past but my past is bigger than most.

do the macarana.

Use the orange coconut or palm oil, like movie theaters do.

Use the orange butter-flavored superfine salt that they do.

Use the same butter-flavored grease on top after popping....

You can get all this from a concession supply vendor.

My friend makes it from air popped corn but won't tell me how.

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