What are some good shot combinations?!


What are some good shot combinations?

My friends and I are bored with the regular old shots. Tequila, Watermelon Pucker, Buttery Nipples, ect. I want to know of some exotic combinations to share with my friends!

a sledgehammer.... jagermeister & goldschlager

pucker & sprite, smerenoff & oj w/ strawberries, oj & vodka, dont mix but absolute vanilla vodka w/ pepsi good

i know i know all weak..but gotta work early in A.M.

let me interduce you to the slobering **** face!!!!! (i made it up) works really good tho be carful with this mix!!!

1. 4shots of pucker diffrent kinds.
2.one shot of tequila
3.drop shot of tequila in 4 shot of mixed pucker
5watch out for the floor(enjoy)

Sorry about the name but Cocksucking Cowgirls - butterscotch schnapps and baileys are sooooo nice. Chicken foetus is nice too - layer cointreau, white sambucca, drizzle in orange aadvocat then a drop of red grenadine. It should look like a big drop of blood in the shot glass.
Word of warning, they pack a punch lol

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