Can you bring your own lunch to Mcdonald's?!


Can you bring your own lunch to Mcdonald's?

I seen a guy yesterday walk into Mcdonalds and sit down and open his lunch he brought in with him and then opened up his thermus. I thought you could'nt do stuff like that.

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11 months ago
When a worker only has 30 minutes for lunch and right down the street adjacent to his employment is a fast food and he or her is trying to save money so they bring their own lunch to's just a matter of who really would walk in any restaraunt and eat their own lunch they the important thing here is that a facility that is open for them to dine with their own lunch may be a brilliance rather than a nuisence. In America all fast food restaraunts reserve the right to serve their customers and have the neccessary place for them to eat their lunch purchased, but if you bring your own lunch and purchase just the drink...I don;t see any thing wrong with that and there has never been a conflict today that I know of unless an outbreak of this situation occurs;However, you look at it Fastfood would not want to prevent anyone nor discriminate unless it is posted on the premises that only diners who purchase can sit in the facility. I don't think Mcdonalds would prevent it

11 months ago
One more issue hereto think about. If you walk into any establishment and eat your own lunch and bring your own drink and you get kicked out and told to leave and then file a law suit for discrimination you probably would win. That is a very very good estimate of 70 to 1 odds the establishment would lose. of opportunity:)

11 months ago
When a worker only has 30 minutes for lunch and right down the street adjacent to his employment is a fast food and he or her is trying to save money so they bring their own lunch to's just a matter of who really would walk in any restaraunt and eat their own lunch they the important thing here is that a facility that is open for them to dine with their own lunch may be a brilliance rather than a nuisence. In America all fast food restaraunts reserve the right to serve their customers and have the neccessary place for them to eat their lunch purchased, but if you bring your own lunch and purchase just the drink...I don;t see any thing wrong with that and there has never been a conflict today that I know of unless an outbreak of this situation occurs;However, you look at it Fastfood would not want to prevent anyone nor discriminate unless it is posted on the premises that only diners who purchase can sit in the facility. I don't think Mcdonalds would prevent it

11 months ago
One more issue hereto think about. If you walk into any establishment and eat your own lunch and bring your own drink and you get kicked out and told to leave and then file a law suit for discrimination you probably would win. That is a very very good estimate of 70 to 1 odds the establishment would lose. of opportunity:)

In most instances, it is against Health Department laws and rules to bring food that was not prepared in an establishment into that establishment. The Health Dept. doesn't want outside food going into an establishment, because there is no way for that establishment to know how that food was prepared, but once that person goes through the doors of the said establishment, that establlishment is now liable for that patron. If that person becomes ill from the food they brought themselves, they can easily blame it on the establishment they were in. The Health Departments do not need the chaos of falsely alleged food poisoning and go through the fiasco of figuring the problem our, so therefore, they have instilled laws and rules to help prevent these situations. Plus, it is just wierd for someone to go to any restaurant and bring different food.

maybe he owned the place!

who cares, it's mcdonalds!

normally you cant because its a food serivce area but it all depends on the people working there (if they care)

Maybe he works there. I'm sure they don't require the staff to eat lunch there, they'd lose too many staff to heart attacks.

I guess if he didn't get kicked out, then it's ok.

I wish more people would bring their own lunch to Mcdonalds. That way they actually get "food". Mcdonalds is not nutritious.

Sure. He was enjoying the ambiance.

maybe he was a worker there, and that was his lunch time!!


I've done it. I sometimes take my own stuff to the movie theaters also. They can't tell you not to.

I've taken 'Subway' into McDonald's for myself, when my kids wanted to eat there. But I don't think I'd have the nerve if I wasn't buying the majority of my food from McDonald's.

I am gonna try it..I will get Wendys and take to McDonalds..will let ya know how it goes..Thanks for the idea..

-------------- OH MY GOD @@@@@@@--------------U R A --------------- INTERNET PIMP------------------ AND A I DONT WANT TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS YOU MORON

I don't think you're technically supposed to, but they probably won't stop you either.

give the guy a break. maybe he brought in a delicious dead baby for lunch. last time i checked they don't serve dead baby at mcdonalds. a refined pallette such as his needed that sweet taboo taste of dead baby that only he himself could provide.

Maybe, but why would you want to? I would just as soon order their food.

hell no mo' fo'

why not i you should be able to with out getting into trouble i would try it anyways

They can kick you out if they want,but noone there cares

Yea, why don't you try?

that question was so damn long, who gives a rats a s s who is in mcdonalds, next time go through the drive-thru, then you wont know who the hell is in there.

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