What is your best ice cream experience and why?!


What is your best ice cream experience and why?

Was it because the ice cream was special (why?), who you were with, the good time that you had, the location?

Mmmmmm......1979. I was in Florence, Italy with a man I was madly in love with, strolling through the streets of the oldest part of that city after dinner one night, when we came upon a little gelateria under the bright light of a streetlamp...with a crowd packed about 5 people deep at the counter and spilling out the door into the street. It was called "Vivoli." We just had to see what the fuss was all about, so we fought our way up to the counter and I ordered, in my fractured Italian, "fragola con panna montada"... strawberry with whipped cream. It was heaven. It tasted like the sweetest, freshest strawberries right off the vine on a sunny summer day. My sweetheart ordered a "misto" of chocolate, hazelnut and rasperry, and that was pure decadence in a paper cup.

We strolled on down the cobbled street back to our little pensione near the Ponte Vecchio, trading tastes in between the kisses. That was a gelato experience I will never forget!

Umm... I don't really understand the question.

My first gelato I had in Sicily because I was in Sicily, it was hot out and the gelato was amazing.

eating a cherry sundae off my ex-girlfriends chest. guess what the cherries were :)

Um... *giggles* It's kinda, um.... Well,... *coughs* Let's not go into it. There might be kids reading this. *runs off*

when i was in barbados in May

I was on vacation, the weather was perfect and the ice cream was damn good (a local brand that was very rich in flavor)

My college roomate and I did not have dates one Valentine's Day. We rented chic flics together and ate a 1/2 gallon of Breyer's... right from the carton!

the first time i went to coldstones...i got a banana ice cream with strawberries and yellow cake and when i tasted it i never thought i could taste something so happy and when i tipped them they sang and song for getting a tip...which brought a smile to me...and smile from the service and a smile from the ice cream...sooo goood!!!

When I was little my parents and I went to get an ice cream and my finger got smashed in the door on my way out. The ice cream they put on my finger to sooth it was the best ice cream I ever had!!!

On a blazin hot day, my HR teacher gave honor roll students popsicles 4 participating in a play thingy, and we got to eat ice cream in class. it was awesome.

I love eating ice cream on the nude beach. The combination of the warm sun and breeze all over my bare skin, the cold and sweet ice cream, and the nudity all combine into a truly sensual experience.

we made human banana spilts!!! while I was dating this guy and my parents where at church...we went to the store to buy everything for banana splits , right on the kitchen floorthe whole bottle or strawberry and chocolate syrup, banana's , cherries , wet nuts, butter scotch, pineapple, and strawberry and topped it off with whip cream.... it's not done until your laying in a puddle or melted ice-cream and toppings and you have whip cream smeared from one ear to the other. the clean up took a long time and my mom complimented me on the clean up and said the kitchen smelt so good, she wanted to know which cleaner I used!!! ...lol... the memories are some of the best...

when I was little I lived in Germany (my dad was in the Army there) and I tried my first spaghetti ice cream. I had never seen anything like it, it was amazing, especially to a 9 year old.
if you havent seen a spaghetti ice, they take soft vanilla ice cream and sqeeze it over a plate in thin tubes to look like noodles. Then its topped with strawberry sauce and chopped nuts. It looks like spaghetti, but tastes like a sundae.

When I worked at the racetrack I always looked forward to enjoying a maple walnut ice cream cone between the 2nd and 3rd race. The girls at the ice cream stand got to know us and always made ours extra big and had them ready when we got to the stand.

My first date was when I went to the Marble Slab Creamery. We had ice cream and walked around the lake. It was very romantic.

my grandmother had the old, old old, ice cream maker, we had bought the cream and sugar and fruit, and you had bags of ice....and something to do with sea salt, (I was little) anyway, we would all take turns turning the ice cream and it would take like 2 hours to make. Turning and turning and turning.. It was the best ice cream but such a pain in the butt, I think we did it once a year, the family all went to grannies for homemade ice cream!

The best ice cream experience I ever had was when I was 10 years old. My best friend had a peach tree and her father made fresh, homemade peach ice cream with one of those old ice cream machines that you turn the handle. We all took turns, it was fun and it was the best ice cream EVER!

Cookies 'n cream cuz it is good and i like Oreos


I was attending business school in Green Bay, Wisconsin. We ate all out meals out so some friends and I stopped in this little Italian restaurant. For dessert we ordered the spumoni ice cream which we had never tasted before. It was smooth, creamy and had lots of fruit on the bottom. I've never had anything so wonderful before or since as far as dessert is concerned.

i stole my brothers magnum deluxe ice-cream! it was the best coz it was stolen. stolen stuff always tastes better!

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