Is it normal to really, really dislike a job?!


Is it normal to really, really dislike a job?

I'm a waitress...within a year's time i've change numerous jobs...all waitressing!!I hate this profession that's why i can't stay put!should i change field or just force myself to like it???I'm 20.

change fields for christsake, never force yourself to like anything until you have to. like married with children and need the money. youre 20 go get another job. silly

Find something else. Work in a dry cleaners.
Get a beautician's license. Sing in a honky tonk
but do something you like doing.

Go to college!

You can find a job you, don't fear hold you back.

CHANGE IT!!! C'mon its your life, you cant do a job for the rest of your life if it doesnt give you happiness. Its better to be happy than comfortable. YOU ARE ALRIGHT.
All the best!

I think you can definitely change fields if you hate your line of work - try to find something you enjoy doing! And if you can't make the switch right away, do what it takes (education, interviews, etc) to get to it.

Change your field. why do something you are not happy doing? it makes you feel crappy and you don't want to get up to do it, you should find something that makes you happy and are excited to do

no if you hate it get a different job--nothing sadder than someone who hates what they do for a living--find something you enjoy--try going to college-- at least if your going to hate a job make good money hating it

It is. Hating your job gives you ambition to better yourself and get to a position in life where you love what you do. Everyone should have a job they hate at least one in life, makes you a better person.


If your too dumb to know what to do with your own life then you should go to college and learn some stuff.

try being a teacher's aid from the board of education or from any day care, go to unemployment and find jobs there, work as a sales' associate, paralegal, take college courses to better yourself and the your future so you will not be stuck at those miserable waitress jobs. IT is perefectly normal to dislike and hate your job especially when it is stressful ,boring, and pays minimum wage and you ahve a boss as a jerk.

don't do anything you don't like. think of things you might like for example: clothes or makeup.. maybe working at a department store would be can make commission off makeup sales too..

yes its normal. change jobs like carreers. go to retail or somthing like that. if u dont like the job u dont like the job, dont force urself u will b misable. just keep tryin different things and if u dont like it find somthin else until u find somthin u like, most ppl dont like there jobs anyways.


enroll in community college or something first,but in the meanwhile, try doing retail, your still standing on your feet but it may be better than being a waitress.or you can even try to become a waitress at a night club or something like that,i heard working those kinds of places can be fun and lucrative.

get some college behind you .. and then sample different fields of interest. i've worked corporate jobs, am a personal chef, web designer for OSHA, actor in movies, worked in advertising, designed fashion and actually sold it, artist .. etc etc ... there's no right or wrong way about it ... but you do have a lot of options.

I change careers every 2-3 years. I get bored easy.

It is soooo normal. But you can fix it. You are only young and it's good to have a crap job you don't care about - easier to ring in sick or go in with a giant hangover. (Which is what you should be doing at your age!)
Variety is the key - the more things you try the easier it will be for you to eventually settle on a job you like.

Change of course !
Working can be a pleasure too
Why dont u go back to school?

yes, it's normal to hate a job
If you can afford it take part-time classes in an area that you're interested in (beauty industry, medical coding, whatever)
Or take business management classes at a community college and become a manager of a restaurant,if you like the business but not the job

Read a book - Fountain Head by Ayn Rand.

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