What should i eat tonight?!


What should i eat tonight?

550 kcal

How about vegetable or fruit salad?


me if you find out where i live


pasta.. with ham or bacon bits! Grilled not fried!

someone asks this every day!!

chicken salad


Char grilled chicken, new potatoes and salad

skinheads on a raft..... beans on toast!!

550 Kcal

Get a cod fillet, put a it on a piece of tin foil. Stick some sliced mushrooms on the top with 2 thin slices of lemon. Pour a small splodge of white wine over it, then add salt and pepper. Wrap it up in the foil. Bake in the oven for about 15-20 minutes until the fish is cooked. Serve with a few new potatoes and some saled.

how about a crisp salat?


Crayfish tails with linguine and a nice tomato pasta sauce.

Salmon filet, seasoned with lemon pepper, steam an artichoke and drizzle with olive oil and lemon.....delicious.

How about a big sausage and 2 veg

for a heathly option try fresh tripe with onions less cal than 400


to be healthy

if u want something heath have a yogurt and a salad! but if want something normal have a hotdog or too!

hamsalad with rice

dozen oysters with a nice chablis

Weight watches makes some good TV dinners.
I don't know the individual calories but here are the ones I like:

Santa Fe Rice & beans
Roasted Potatoes With Brocoli and Cheddar sauce
Salsbury Steak & Asparagus
Beef Pot Roast
Cheese Ravioli

Lean Quzine makes a really good french bread pizza, it makes you forget you are being "good"

For seven cents a day you good feed a starving child they dont care what they eat. he he

4 lbs of bananas

jacket potatoe tuna salad , :)

fillet of beef cooked in a single malt whisky.


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