How many bites doe sit take you to finish a..?!
How many bites doe sit take you to finish a..?
White Castle Burger..pref. hamburger or cheeseburger?
It took me 9 today !
those are small burgers how did it take u 9?
Depends On How Big The Bites Are!
white castle sucks. burger is way too small. go to the south and eat at Whataburger
no bites. just chew
!~ for ever. .... *vegetarian* ~! (>_<)
Whats that/?
ewww! white castle/krystals (same difference) are yucky. thats heartburn in a small package lolol
What a good question and you got me counting as well. I am a woman and it took me 11 bites. Will try again tomorrow. I had a Cheeseburger