What do girls want guys to say to them at a bar?!


What do girls want guys to say to them at a bar?

lets say there is a girl you want to talk to, or you've already made good eye contact, what should i talk to them about? How can i sound like i am not just trying to get in theri pants, even though i wouldn't be against that...

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10 months ago
ok, to all who posted a drink buying question...Thats obvious...that doesn't stimulate any sort of conversation....

The complimenting thing is good, but thats almost too easy and still puts me at a brick wall....

I always think that asking a girl questions is good, because it offeres new material to the conversation that i could comment on, but i never can think of any non-lame sounding questions to ask....

10 months ago
ok, to all who posted a drink buying question...Thats obvious...that doesn't stimulate any sort of conversation....

The complimenting thing is good, but thats almost too easy and still puts me at a brick wall....

I always think that asking a girl questions is good, because it offeres new material to the conversation that i could comment on, but i never can think of any non-lame sounding questions to ask....

Just be real......no chessy BS lines

Are your breasts sore?

Hey.... ya wanna f*ck? you'll ether get slapped (95%) or you'll get a pity lay (5%)

wanna ****?

The truth. Don't give me lines. If you want to roll, and I agree we'll roll. Just be real about it. No games. Tell me what you want and why you want it.

Ask them if you can buy them a drink

Hey, I'll pay for that. Order you another one.

Nothing. I hate when drunk guys talk.


can i buy you a drink?

Hi, May I buy you another drink?

What a good question. Okay, so you've made eye contact and she seems interested. I recommend complementing her. But don't make it cheesy or generic. In other words, don't say, "You're really pretty," or "I like your dress." Pick something specific about her that really does stand out, and comment on it. But whatever you do, don't tell her she has pretty eyes. Rather, comment on her accessories or shoes. Guys never do that, and it will surprise her.

For example, if she's wearing an interesting piece of jewelry, say, "I noticed your earrings - they're really striking." You might even add, "My sister's birthday is next week, and I know she would love earrings like that. Do you mind telling me where you got them?"

She'll say "thank you." If she's interested in you, she'll show you through her body language and how much information she gives you. If she doesn't like you, she'll make it clear with a short answer and cold body language.

If she shows that she's not interested, cut your losses and walk away! Otherwise, just be yourself. The fact that she's actually talking to you means she likes you. Most of the work is done.

Through personal experience, it's like walking on land of land minds. You don't want to step on one. Sounds negative but that's the chance you take.

Just like be yourself. Go up to her and be like Hey I'm *your name* and ask her what her name is. Then like ask her if you can sit down next to her, and then just talk with her. Ask her things about herself like what she likes to do for fun, what her hobbies are, and just get to know a little about her and let her get to know a little about you. Ask her for her number and ask her out on a date if you like her and wanna see her again. Then just go from there.

Be honest. Tell her... Nice shoes, wanna F***

My wife wants to hear: "Can I buy you a drink and never talk to you again?"

The truth? It's sounds terribly boring, but I like a man that can talk about his own philosophies and theories on different subjects. It doesn't have to be serious. For example, I have a theory on where the mates to all odd socks go. Talking about ideas and theories about random things and then inquiring about my own shows me that a man is interested in what I think and who I am, not just how I look. Plus, if he can make a conversation like that, then I know he's not spending much time thinking about how to get in my pants.

Just be real.
Go over to her & just introduce urself.
Say ur interested in knowing her.
Pay her a bit of compliments.

Keep it respectful, don't say anything to her that you wouldn't want someone saying to your mother, sister, or daughter. Funny wit and complete honesty is always good. If you get a woman to laff ernestly you will make the contact list. Just remeber to be real and let it flow. Good Luck!

Just be nice and talk about driving to a lake and start a fire up and sit around the campfire and drink Beer. Ladies love it alot and I score heavy everytime.

When I was single and used to do the bar scene, I was real irritated that a guy would come up to me and offer to buy me a drink with stipulations. Hell I am a working women, and still do work. Back then that was very offensive for me, and today it is outlandish. I say be for-real and let nature take it's course without the BS. Then and only then if the lady is willing to go for the part about the getting into the pants, I would say that's mutually accepted.

They want you to buy them a drink. What else?


For some reason chicks dig when you compliment their shoes. It's weird but true.

Well...I'm not single but if you started talkin about all the ways to amuse somebody that had a cotton ball fetish it would certainly catch my attention !!this is some of yer stuff that make me look yha up...Yer funny My stomach hurts from laughin'...Thanks

1. stick enough in your mouth to shut you up

2 stick them in your keyboard so you can't ask stupid useless questions

3 stick them in your bum so you can't sit at your computer and waste everyone's time

4 stick them in your eyes so you can't see your computer

5 rip holes in them, and stick your finger through so you can't type stupid questions

6 rub acid on you so you learn how annoying you are

7 stick them in your computer fans so it doesn't work and you can't post stupid questions

8 stick them in your gas tank so you can't drive to the store to get a new computer

9 bury you in a pit of them so you can't get out and ask stupid questions

10 make them illegal so you can't get them anymore

Though...I think you might just made other gals throw a drink in yer face for thinkin' yer a coock! Unless you were up on stage...then I'd be the first one to throw money at yha...
SmileyCat : )
Hey...stop my 360 if you need a smile...

If there is a dance floor, ask her if she'd like to dance.
If no dance floor, then just go over to her and let her know that you noticed her and ask if she would mind some company. If she says yes, THEN be real and don't use any corny pick up lines. Try to find out her interests and see if you have anything in common. That's always a great way to break the ice, but NEVER say "Oh, I like that too" if you really don't. You'd better know what you're talking about because women are more capable of seeing through people than you would think!

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