Food - Color - Brain relation question?!


Food - Color - Brain relation question?

Is this true that color can have effect on our appetite, like (some say) McDonald's using bright Yellow and Red color to make an effect on costumers like Yellow makes your easily hungry and you buy food, and Red makes you eat it fast and leave quick the place for the next costumers?

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10 months ago
i agree with "Angry Son" about the Heinz effect, we had the green (and pink) ketchup here aslo, but it didn't worked for the people. i loved the weird green ketchup, but i can't find it anymore...

10 months ago
i agree with "Angry Son" about the Heinz effect, we had the green (and pink) ketchup here aslo, but it didn't worked for the people. i loved the weird green ketchup, but i can't find it anymore...

Why Color Matters

Color and Marketing

Color and Brand Identity
1. Color increases brand recognition by up to 80 percent
University of Loyola, Maryland study
2. Heinz
Color influences brand identity in a variety of ways. Consider the phenomenal success Heinz EZ Squirt Blastin' Green ketchup has had in the marketplace. More than 10 million bottles were sold in the first seven months following its introduction, with Heinz factories working 24 hours a day, seven days a week to keep up with demand. The result: $23 million in sales attributable to Heinz green ketchup [the highest sales increase in the brand's history]. All because of a simple color change.

Color Increases Memory

Color Engages and Increases participation
Color Informs
Color Attracts Attention
Frequently Cited "Facts

Color and the Senses
General facts about sensory input and human beings:
Although the olfactory sense was a human being’s most important source of input in the pre-historic era, sight became our most important means of survival. Furthermore, as hunters and gatherers in the early days of our evolution, we experienced a variety of colors and forms in the landscape. This has become part of our genetic code.
In our current state of evolution, vision is the primary source for all our experiences. (Current marketing research has reported that approximately 80% of what we assimilate through the senses, is visual.)
Our nervous system requires input and stimulation. (Consider the effects of solitary confinement in jails.) With respect to visual input, we become bored in the absence of a variety of colors and shapes. Consequently, color addresses one of our basic neurological needs for stimulation.

Color and Visual Experiences

I've heard that too.

Yes, all colors have an effect on moods.

oh yeah, eye palates are fed first.

red and yellow stimulate appetite and you're more likely to overeat. true

Yeah, it's probably all true. That's corporate business for you. In a way though, isn't that like sibliminal advertising? Since it's making you want to eat more, it's somewhat manipulative, so why isn't THAT aginst the law?

Yeah, I think it can.

i know red and yellow are used not just in fast food restaurants but in casino's as well. the 2 colors seem to attract and keep customers! they are like positive colors to the brain!

Actually color does play a role in affecting our appetite.

Case and point:

Heinz makes a ketchup in both green and purple colors. It is just regular ketchup with food coloring additives.

Put it on a burger and eat it. Chances are you will not think of it as the same. Your mind is already trained to know that ketchup is red...not purple or green. Therefore you will react differently.

Seriously try it.

I have heard that red increases your appetite. I've noticed that many Chinese restaurants use red, but I think they do it for it meaning luck to them-I could be wrong. Imagine, though. If you were in a place the color of puke yellow, would you want to sit and eat a meal there? Probably not. Ambiance is a large portion of a restaurant owner's marketing budget.

Weird huh? Have you also heard that the music they play in restaurants, like @ fast food chains are supposed to make you eat & leave quickly? Whereas the music in let's say a steak house is supposed to make you take your time, and perhaps long enough to order more?

it is a widely thought notion. I personally don't know if it is true or not but there have been studies on the effect of colors on your mood. here's a site that explains this more thoroughly.

I took a tour at USC and learned that there is a library that has every different floor painted a different color and the students take a test and find out which color they would be more productive in and then they study on that floor.

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