If your a Chef, sould you have to clean up, afer yourself?!
It depends on what your idea of cleaning is....If you make a mess on a counter top. then yes you clean it up, IF you are really busy and make a big mess on the floor, then you either clean it up or have the dishwasher do it depending on the circumstances....... Your Mother doesn't work here, so please clean up after yourself.
pro chef
Depends what you mean by "clean up". Chefs have to put things back in their place and put things away, because if some unskilled laborer does it, the chef won't be able to find it when he needs it later. Also there are so many things to pick up you would have to have a person following you around all day, which you obviously don't see.
It also depends on what your definition of the word Chef is. Not everyone who calls themselves a Chef is one. A Chef's position is managerial and involves a lot more responsibility than just cooking. So, back to the question....Iif the Chef is really a Chef then no, cleaning is not really part of the gig but if the Chef is fippin' burgers & struttin' around callin' themself a Chef then yes, cleaning is part of the gig!
I'm a Chef!
I don't pay the chef at out restaurant $45k per year to clean. I pay a crew member minimum wage to clean.
So, no the chef should not clean. It makes good business sense for unskilled work to be done by unskilled workers getting paid appropriate wages.
In a restaurant, the chef does a minimal amount of cleaning. The heavy cleaning is usually handled by others.
Clean as you go. That is what professionals do.
hell yes haven't you seen hells kitchen or the Food network! call Chef Ramsay he can help! lol