What do u do for a job..?!


What do u do for a job..?

do you enjoy it?..and if not why?..and if you could have a dream job what would it be??..

First I love this question. I'm a tax preparer and yes I love my job. I get to meet a lot of people, help them with any tax problems they are having and get them the refunds they deserve. My dream job would be to run a day-care facility during the off season and have my own tax office during tax season.

there is no dream job... no one is never satisfied.

My dream: be retired


I own a painting business. This is my dream job...I am my own boss, have no employees to pay, and do what I'm very good at and love....ahh

im a direct sale representative for a call center in canada. You??
i enjoy it very much we got bout an hour between calls when theyre not busy so i got plenty of time to do my school work. I take corrispondance for business management program

I'm currently the General Manager of a Production facility and it's easy work with great pay and benefits.

Graphic Designer. I enjoy it very much. Every day brings new chances to be creative and the pay's good. My only complaint is that I wish my office had a window in it, but still, it's pretty nice. I also have great software to work with -- Illustrator, PhotoShop, InDesign, QuarkXpress, Visio, etc. etc. and a really nice Mac G5.

14 nothin...life is pretty good.

winning the lottery and sitting around doing absolutely nothing is my goal...

manage a restaurant

i work at burger king it realy sucks

Chemist in the metal finishing field. Yes I enjoy what I do, a real challenge especially with non-toxic fluids being in demand, thanks to the whining liberal tree huggers.
You wonder why prices are rising? Thank them.

I am a systems analyst and do enjoy it, however, my dream job would be a chef in my OWN restaurant.

Chemical Lab Technician for a computer circuit board manufacturer. Yes I do enjoy it very much as it is always challenging and never boring.

My dream job... Professor of Humanites & Social Sciences.

I am a CPA for people in the Entertainment business

I enjoy it....but somethimes i get frustrated and want to quit!

apply 4 a job

Answer Yahoo answers !!

I'm a graphic artist and it's a great job but if I could have a different career I'd work with dolphins.

I am an electronic code defect detection engineer

(software tester)

Love it

dream job: bestselling author

I repair things. I like it, because so many things get thrown away nowadays, I end up replacing alot of stuff.

It's as close to a dream job as is possible, i'd guess.
I took a cut in salary for this job, and lemme tellya, money ain't everything.

I'm a firefighter in the 4-th largest city and loving it and this is my dream job for the past 28 years

nurse LPN......
I enjoy helping people, NOT the bone aching and mind boggling, stressful part of it.

Dream job would be a florist......

I am a homemaker and a mother the best job and the world now only if I could get some time off once in a while

If you had the chance for any dream to come true...so in essence..a wish. Why would you ask for a job at all?

Business administrator for a medical equipment company. At times I enjoy what I do. But I find myself bored most of the time.

I make computers talk to each other. I like it better than other work and it pays well. And the workplace is pretty zany-fun.


i squeeze the stones out of dead farm animals' kidneys and sell them on eBay to Satan worshipers and other body stone collectors.

ive also been known to dress up like a woman and bite the heads off of mens co cks, but thats another story for another question

I babysit a bunch of brainless cubicle-hamsters.

Teach middle school children. Coach volleyball and basketball. I love it and wouldnt trade it for the world.

If I could have a choice of jobs I'd produce music videos, and write music.

i don't have a job write now. I'm pretty young 2 have a job. i haven't graduated grade school
yet. my dream job would be being a doctor or owning a beauty salon.

I find it very satisfying working youth, but you know, I'd like to manage my own multimillion dollar fortune, whenever that arrives, and have my books published, made into movies, like that (and yes, I do have books to be published, just taking forever)

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