What is that SMELL!?!


What is that SMELL!?

seriously, where do you think that's coming from? Sniff sniff, no, it's not ME!!

Is it the Split poop soup? Ya remember? Just had to laugh.
Take care !

Why are your questions so stupid?

You should turn off your smellivision set.

did you brush your teeth yet?

Your dumb!

its coming from 'sumthin' from flavor of love2...she pooped on flav's floor!

Check again, I think it's your butt.

I have no idea.*sniff* I don't smell it though.

No, Nessa, I think it IS you!

I don't know it doesn't smell here.

y r u so stupid?

it's your mustache.

yeah it smells like burning rubber. it must be your C U N T

Well it cannot be your brain smoldering

Sorry, the cat's still doped from being snipped today. I guess the anesthesia gave him gas

.............. life ! ...........................

who ever smelt it, dealt it

youre lame. you are the same girl that was trying to call heaven.

find some brains

tell your mom to close her legs.

Stop wasting 5 points on stupid questions? the smell is definately in your nose cuz no one else can smell it.

An odor or odour (see spelling differences) is the object of perception of the sense of olfaction. Odors are also called smells. The term stench or pong is used to describe an unpleasant odor. The term fragrance or aroma is used primarily by the food and cosmetic industry to describe a pleasant odor, and is sometimes used to refer to perfumes. Odors correspond to the objective phenomenon of chemicals dissolved in air, although, as with other senses, psychological factors can play a part in perception.

Some odors such as perfumes and flowers, are much sought after and large prices are paid for the most elite ones. Other whole industries have developed products to remove unpleasant odors. See deodorant. The perception of odors is also very much dependent upon circumstance. The odor of cooking processes may be agreeable while cooking, but not after the meal when one is full. It is also culturally dependent.

The odour molecules send messages to the Limbic system , the area of the brain that governs emotional responses. These messages have the power to alter moods, evoke distant memories , raise our spirits & boost self confidence. Consequently, Fragrances positively affect sleep , stress , alertness , social interaction and general feelings of well being. Fragrance has thus been recognised as a tool for rebalancing the mind and the body. This recognition has lead to the concept of “Aromatherapy” wherein fragrances are administered in appropriate dosages to cure problems related to the human psychology.

The study of olfactory odors is a growing field, but is a complex and difficult one. The human olfactory system can detect many thousands of scents based on only very minute airborne concentrations of a chemical. The sense of smell of many animals is even better. Some fragrant flowers give off odor plumes that move downwind, and are detectable by bees more than a kilometer away.

Pheromones are odors that are deliberately used for communication. A female moth may release a pheromone that can entice a male moth that is several kilometers away. Honeybee queens constantly release pheromones that regulate the activity of the hive. Workers can release such odors to call other bees into an appropriate cavity when a swarm moves in, or to "sound" an alarm when the hive is threatened.

There are hopes that advanced smelling machines could do everything from test perfumes to help detect cancer or explosives by detecting certain scents, but as of yet artificial noses are still problematic. The complex nature of the human nose, its ability to detect even the most subtle of scents, is at the present moment difficult to replicate.

Most artificial or electronic nose instruments work by combining output from an array of non-specific chemical sensors to produce a finger print of whatever volatile chemicals it is exposed to. Most electronic noses need to be "trained" to recognize whatever chemicals are of interest for the application in question before it can be used. The training involves exposure to chemicals with the response being recorded and statisically analyzed, often using multivariate analysis and neural network techniques, to "learn" the chemicals. Many current electronic nose instruments suffer from problems with reproducibility with varying ambient temperature and humidity.

umm...umm...no sorry my nose's blocked today...

You must have a blocked nose then.

your crusty a**

that pot hasn't been washed properly, and it was YOUR turn to do the dishes, so, indirectly, it IS you!

Your question was dumb, but don't consider me dumb too since I did answer you. My main reason for responding is to say that you're ugly.

It was the cat, I swear.

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