Iam a bit over weight, pls tell me how to reduce my weight?!


Iam a bit over weight, pls tell me how to reduce my weight?

in a short time

Cut down on starches
Replace regular dairy with Soy milk (much lower fat)
Remove most of the fat from your diet
Eats lots and lots of fresh vegetables
Take out all fast food from your diet
Make sure you eat 5 small meals a day (no skipping) so that your metabolism stays fueled. Skipping meals is the surest way to GAIN weight.
Drink 8-10 glasses of cold water every day.
No soda pop (not even diet) because of the sodium

And most of all, exercise for at least one hour a day, with at least one hour of cardio work every other day.

starve yourself

Stop eating so much.

Souh Beach Diet, one of the few diets that works, lose up to 14 pounds in two weeks, plus it curbs the appetitite.

throw up after you eat

Our lifestyles these days don't make it easy to loose weight. The best way I know is this:

Drink LOTS of water. Stay away from Diet/Regular soda pop. Stay away from fried foods, bread, starch. Eat High protein low fat foods. Get out and walk. Don't smoke; this will eventually dehyrate you and make it very hard to keep weight down once you quit. If you eat out often, share an entree with you significant other. But drink lots of water/healthy liquids.

The only sure-fire way to lose weight is to take in fewer calories, and/or expend more calories. So: find some exercise that you enjoy (or can at least tolerate) -- take up running, biking, tennis, join a gym, etc. Personally I don't believe in diets. What I *do* believe in is being conscious of what you're eating and how much you're eating. Are you eating lots of fast food? Try to cook a little healthier. Are you really hungry enough to need that much? Try serving yourself smaller portions. Try eating more slowly. With a little less food and a little more exercise, you WILL see results.

no chocolate - no cheese - no potatos - no diet drinks as they increase cravings for sugar. cut out completely the things you pig out on and increase activity only slightly and watch it go away. I eat the three "sins" above only at someone else's house and that forces moderation. It is amazing how quick you can come to hate the taste of chocolate.

there are alot of different programs and plans out there. depending on what you need there are some great ones. but in a short time
for 2 days 64 oz of water per day 4 oranges unlimited proteins ( not breaded or fried) and unlimited green raw veg. drink 2 cups of hot lemon (fresh) water about 1/2 a lemon into 6 oz hot water if you want you can add some sweetener to it. this is per day. after that 2 days try only eating 2 proteins, 2 starches, 3 veg and 3 fruit per day. cut out all high sodium food and drink 64 oz of water per day, cont. doing the hot lemon water. try not to drink any soda. give it a try.

exercise, even wallking, drink plenty of water. smaller portions at meal time and have a small snack 2 hours after each meal.
it really does work!!!!

The best way to lose weight is a very simple answer! It makes way more sense than fad diets with lots of rules and is long lasting!!


Pretty easy, huh?! Take the stairs instead of elevator or escalator! Park in the furthest spot from your destination so you walk further! Every little thing counts! So, Get Moving!! ( i have definitely noticed a difference!! )

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