Who ate my last pringle?!


Who ate my last pringle?

I want answers DAMNIT!!!....Grrr...

I did, and it was good! :P

depends on the flavour. if it they were BBQ then it was me!

The person who really stole your pringle is the 11th person that will respond to this question.

I didn't I have my own can, but I'll share!!

the kitchen elves that live in your cabinets shared it for dinner

i didnt touch your filthy pringle.

it wasnt me, honest, hehe

I ate your last pringle and it sure was good


You probably ate it yourself...cause once you pop you can't stop.

Ooops, maybe it was me, as you seem to have posted a pair of questions!

I popped and just couldn't stop

Gary Linekar

The Dog. I swear it was The Dog!!!

the little green man hiding in your cabinet.

did you have two boxes?..........lol

the pringle poacher!

It was George Bush and Tony Blair
Well they get blamed for everything else in the world so it
must be them.

you did

I did! What are you going to do about it???????????

Not Me !! :) ....
i Ate My Own Pringles ...
Thanks For Asking

If its Sour Creame in Onion........NOT ME!

the mice,the wee critters just love a pringle,lol.

It was....


Yeap, you were sleep walking again... We have it all on the Yahoo Answers Surveillance Webcam, and WE ALL saw you do it. You are busted!!! Hands up and step away from the pringle's container... slowly....

lmao :)

My tummy did.

my bad
i thought it was chocolate
ur making me hungry

you did!

Dude, the pringle is in your stomach now...because you ate it..

another one....it depends.... maybe you ate and didn't realized it...

I didn't think that you mind you greedy *****

the nice man with the puppies in his car

Not me! Not me! Don't you just hate it when that happens?

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