What is a hooka?!


What is a hooka?

what is being smoked? is it illegal?
do you have to be 18 to enjoy?

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10 months ago
no, not a hooker, the thing people smoke out of....i think...it looks like a huge bong!

10 months ago
no, not a hooker, the thing people smoke out of....i think...it looks like a huge bong!

lol its a traditional arabic pipe that you stuff tobacco in the top then put a brickette of charcoal on and you smoke it. its tobacco so its illegal for minors. but im arabic, so my family lets me use it. it looks like this.
some kids now put milk, soda, and other **** int he bottom but thats garbage, dont do it. white kids these days wanna cry about how theyu hate arabic people but then they smoke our **** and rappers use our music.

im reading these responses and they are appalling! go to wikipedia and search hookah. if ur arabic its calle a nargileh. just to clarify! its always tobacco being smoked, they add fruit flavors and molassis in the tobacco u buy at the stores. some people smoke plain leafs (me). it would be stupid to smoke weed in it because it would filter smoke.

as far as damages go, ive heard it is equivalent to smokeing a hundred ciggies but ive also heard it has %0.0 tar. i dunno wat to believe but as far as im concerned, dont inhale and urll be ok. same is true with cigars and nething else.


Iz a prossitute.

A hookah is a traditional Middle Eastern or South Asian device for smoking, which operates by water-filtration and indirect heat. It can be used for smoking many substances, such as tobacco, and herbal fruits.

It's either a marijuana-type of drug that you smoke, or a woman who has sex for money.

it's a turkish pipe, sorta like a bong


it is legal. and very popular. almost as bad as smoking. tobbacco is being smoked, but being filtered through water. so people think its not as bad as smoking ciggarretes.

Sometimes they put fruit flavoured stuff to smoke that is not tobacco, so any one can do it, sometimes they put tobacco,

A hookah is a traditional Middle Eastern or South Asian device for smoking, which operates by water-filtration and indirect heat. It can be used for smoking many substances, such as tobacco, and herbal fruits

It's a type of pipe that is smoked in Northern Africa. As for the contents, I think its hash.

it is a marijuna pipe and yes it's illegal!

yes, what is being smoked is illegal. It is a way for multiple people to smoke it at the same time. You should wait until you are older before trying something like that because you can never go back

A hooka is a pipe...similar to a bong. A hooka is not illegal, because it can be used with legal tabacco. Yes, you have to be 18 (in us) to us any tabacco product.

Its a cool vase/jar like container with hoses on it to smoke marijuana with....


A hookah is a traditional Middle Eastern or South Asian device for smoking. If you're just smoking herbal fruits (which it's most commonly used for), it's not illegal.

a bong that u smoke weed out of u get f**k ed up

It IS a huge bong!

You smoke the wacky tabacy, and it's illegal if you've smoked the herb out of it.

Perfectly legal if you use tobacco though.

A hooka is a water pipe. Sometimes used by one person, sometimes with multiple hook-ups for several people. It can be used for strong tobbaco, but was usually used for hasish.

you should neverrrrrrrrrrrrr everrrrrrrr have some funs like this in your whole life, i don't wanna give you any advise but ! it's not the way to enjoy your life !

the gold tooth caused him to pronounce it incorrect......its hooker

A hooka is an oriental smoking device that consists of a water bottle surmounted by a long metal base and an attached flexible pipe to draw smoke. A small amount of tobacco is placed on the top and is lighted with charcoal embers, the smoker draws the smoke from the attached pipe and it passes through the water at the bottom bottle where it is filtered and it arrives smooth and nicotine-reduced. It has no drugs whatsoever and is used by men and women as a smoking device of leasure. Its other names are the hubble-bubble (because of the bubbles that are created in the bottle when the smoker draws from the pipe) and it is also called the water pipe. The silly answers above reflect the sheer ignorance of those who try to show-off while they know nothing.

it is not illegal as long as it has not had any pot smoked in it
yes you still have to be 18

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