Do you stir your coffee cup by right hand or left hand?!


Do you stir your coffee cup by right hand or left hand?

no i used a spoon man.

using my hand or my fingers would really hurt.

i get my maid to stir my coffee
she uses her hips
and they dont lie

depends wat im doing with the other hand... if u really look into it tho i think theres a scientific explanation to everything that goes on in this world for aexample y do ppl ask stupid questions,, well the truth to that question is cause they like ot waste precious time in there life to read stupid answers and the thing is i really hope u dont read all this bs and just think that im actually saying some pretty smart stuff cause theres so much word sn stuff and just give me the 10 points.. ok well thank u love ya :)

right hand



With my right hand unless it is injured then I use the left.

Right hand. I carry my coffee in my left.

being left handed i use my left

right hand baby!

You must be bored out of your gourd to ask this question.

It just doesn't matter but if u must know I use both.

left. counter-clockwise



usually right hand..but sometimes i use my left ones if my right one isnt free and it's usually with a spoon but hell if i'm too lazy to reach for fingers will do provided they are clean and the water isnt so!

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