I like Hot Pockets!!!!!?!


I like Hot Pockets!!!!!?

Yeah me too. I like to dip them in ranch dressing. Yum!

thats not a q ***!!!!! why do we care if you like hot pockets or not!!!

i love hot Pockets too


but good for you, hey maybe you can write to them go to their site and do something outragious like have a hot pocket eating marathon, get donations and then end up in their commercials.

or tell them you want to be their poster child for hot pockets, make 20,000 then retire in style.

well you can't do that but make money from it somehow.

i hate hot pockets they give me gerd.


they are so great!!!!!!!!!!!! you are correct!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've been eating the lean pockets now. Can't tell the difference from Hot Pockets and I save on calories and fat. I love em.


me too

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