Does anyone else think Denny's is?!


Does anyone else think Denny's is?

the best social hangout around???

H-e-L-L with the No. They are the most AZZHOLE PLace I've ever been to and as a matter of fact Lot's of people sued them for this and got paid. Including Me!!!

I'm going with Bob Evans

I'll take "The Rapists" for $400, Trebek

I use to go to Dennys all the time just to chill with yes!

I didn't even know it was A social hangout, period. I also hope you are kidding, you must be... right?

No. They have the highest prices in town. And the worst food, and worst food choices.

u r supposed to make dots after is so it would look like
Does anyone else think Denny's is.....

You are kidding, right?

no village inn

Food is NASTY!

na i would think a Starbucks would be

Best social hangouts depend on the age group.
The mall works for most age groups, but the real teen hangout around here is Cypress Gardens.
Here, Denny's is for families and older people, mostly older people.

Could be - but the food is the worst around.

No. Walmart is.

If your 18

HAHA! Denny's is only a social hangout for old farts. When I walk into Denny's, 80% of the people there are over 60. If you want a social hangout, then go to your local Starbucks.

You must get out more... Denny's is not the place for you unless you are over 70 or under 6...

Does anyone think Denny's sucks a ss

Bob Evans for me.

and hun . . . your 17 yr old daughter will probley get really fat from eating at Dennys too much one of these days.

what type of person goes around asking questions like "does anyoen else think denny's is?"

I mean, WHAT? who does that? What sort of question is this. Your daughter probley can't ask you for anything but a burger at Dennys you sad sad woman.

Yes look. It proves it.

That's where I hung out in high school, so if you are in high school, yes!

In my opinion Dennys is a good place to hangout. Good luck.

um no not really

sure if there is nowhere else to go at 3 am in the middle of nowhere

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