Chocolate or ice cream?!


Chocolate or ice cream?

chocolate icecream

Why not good chocolate ice cream?

If i had to choose it would be Chocolate

How about chocolate flavored ice cream, with chocolate syrup on it?

i love obviously i go with chocolate...

chocolate ice cream

what do u mean?

chocolate fudge on ice cream!

ICE CREAM! Mmm. mint choclate chip, my favourite.

definally ice cream

ice cream...preferably pumpkin.

Why not a little of both?

chocolate has to be chewed and icecream should be gulped up so go with icecream and their are variety of flavours available in icecream

ice cream with chocolate chips.....YUM

ice cream with chocolate toppings...lots of toppings...yummm

better, chocolate ice cream,hmm

well.................... ice cream yyyyyymmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Ice cream.

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