Can I know of a cocktail for a wedding with a dash of alcohol please?!


Can I know of a cocktail for a wedding with a dash of alcohol please?

Mimosa is a classy drink for a wedding. My bridesmaids and I drank Mimosa's before the wedding to calm our nerves...and because they just taste so good :)

The method for making this drink is a build and stir in a champagne glass.

Pour 3 shots(cold) champagne into a champagne glass
Pour 3 shots (cold) orange juice into the same champagne glass.
OPTIONAL Add 1/2 shot triple sec (improves flavor but is not necessary, it tastes great without it too.)
Garnish with orange slice and enjoy.

(it's an even 50/50 OJ and Champagne so you really don't have to measure if you don't want to. Just eyeball it and if you have the triple sec just add a splash at the end.)


A great cocktail recipie site

just get a recipe book on cocktails

Bucks Fizz?

A pina colada might be old fashion, but its a lovely refreshing cocktail

Blue Hawaiian

1 part White rum
1 part Cream of coconut
1 part Blue curacao
2 parts Pineapple juice

Shake all the ingredients and pour into a goblet.

If it is a summer wedding a MOJITO may be just what you want.
Here's the recipe:

3 fresh mint sprigs
2 tsp brown cane sugar
3 tbsp fresh lime juice
1 1/2 oz light rum (Cuban Havana Club is best, but if you live in the States, white Bacardi will do)
club soda

In a tall thin glass, crush part of the mint with a fork to release the aromatic components. Add the sugar and lime juice and stir thoroughly. Top with ice. Add rum and mix. Top off with chilled club soda (or seltzer). Add a lime or lemon slice and the remaining mint, and serve.
Obviously you can control the amount of rum, so that guests don't start singing and dancing before they are supposed to.

Why don't you organise a big bowl of punch, theres bound to be loads of different recipe ideas for them on the internet.

Most cocktails have much more than a 'dash' of alcohol.

Maybe you could try some kind of fruit Daquiri?

How about punch

champagne, brandy, brown sugar, mint leaves.

champagne, pomegranate juice and a raspberry in each glass

champagne and melon

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