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What do you think?

What's the best type of pie to eat in warm weather?

pshh, dont listen to the others, a nice strawberry and peach is very refreshing especially if you keep it in the fridge i second before its served, then if your looking for somehting rich, some terramisu or dark chocolate is nice

lemon meringue...cool and tart

blueberry why

Ice Box Pie

apple pie is always a favorite at any time, Lemon meringue pie is good, or light custard pies for those who are on a diet

i have some hot weather favorites...

lemon merigue
i also like my cream cheese raspberry!

vanilla ice cream pie

Blueberry Ice cream cake/pie..yum yum!
or Cookies & Cream cake.

Hmmmmm Apple Or Blueberry Or Rasberry Pies .....Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy Its The Best ...=) =)
Thanks For Asking

Banana cream or lemon supreme from Bakers Square.

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