Are magic bullets worth it?!


Are magic bullets worth it?

Additional Details

10 months ago
i found this Magic Bullet
$99.99 + $39.98 (S&H) = $139.97 (for 2)
Promise: This compact countertop "magician" does "any job in the kitchen in ten seconds or less." Chop onions so fast there's "no time to cry." Pull out "the ultimate party machine" to make individual frozen drinks and "instant guacamole."
Results: Aside from some disputes about the ten-second rule (pesto took about a minute), our testers were impressed with this "fast and powerful" personal blender. So simple to operate, you "could make it work by looking at it." "Great smoothies," said one tester, whose 21-year-old son wanted to keep the test model. Maybe we should let him. The small size makes it "best for singles." Even for "a non-cook, it was cool."

10 months ago
i found this Magic Bullet
$99.99 + $39.98 (S&H) = $139.97 (for 2)
Promise: This compact countertop "magician" does "any job in the kitchen in ten seconds or less." Chop onions so fast there's "no time to cry." Pull out "the ultimate party machine" to make individual frozen drinks and "instant guacamole."
Results: Aside from some disputes about the ten-second rule (pesto took about a minute), our testers were impressed with this "fast and powerful" personal blender. So simple to operate, you "could make it work by looking at it." "Great smoothies," said one tester, whose 21-year-old son wanted to keep the test model. Maybe we should let him. The small size makes it "best for singles." Even for "a non-cook, it was cool."

I read in the readers digest that the magic bullet when tried out by testers, does not work as fast as it claims, that you have to use it longer to get everything mixed up well enough,

Oswald shot kennedy with a magic bullet.

LOL wow I totally missed the question....

I bought one and if i may be honest i haven't use it since the winter time when i got it.

Yes, if they are imbued by a power that makes them unable to hurt people.

I think that magic people that help people would be more beneficial

Oh, you mean that blender thing on TV? I don't know. They look handy...

I love mine. It cops up things in a matter of seconds. Honestly, it chopped up big blocks of ice in five seconds. I live it... I really do.

I got mine like 5 months ago and it still works like the first day I got it. I love to make smoothies in it and sorbet. Even virgin margaritas! :D You don't even have to buy it online and pay the high priced s&h because it's now at Target and Kohls! At a lower price too! So in my opinion, yes it is worth it.

Buy one get one free
things that are magic
are never what they
are cracked up to be.

I have had one for a year now. We make lots of drinks in it. Particularly smoothies, and quick soups. I think they're great value, and take up so little room in the kitchen. Excellent.

It's like a small blender. What I like aout it is after you use it, there are about 5 other cups before you need to get in heavy clean up. If you have only a blender, you must clean up after each use.

1. You can get them at Wlagreens or Target for under $60.

2. There is nothing the Magic bullet does that a decent blender and a decent spice grinder cannot- and for far less.

3. The big problem with the Magic Bullet is the tiny space for blending- if you overload it a bit, the contents do not blend, and the container will leak.

4. It IS convenient, small (well... the base and one cup are small- the pile of cups, lids, lid rings, etc. is pretty dang space consuming), easy to use and quick.

My opinion, having owned one (and selling it at a garage sale later) is: Nice device, but not worth $60. Get a good blender and a small food processor instead.

I like mine. Love making drinks in them. Alot easier to us this instead of getting out my large processor when I only have a few ingredients to chop.

You need a Silver Bullet to kill a werewolf.

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