Is gloink/gloonk (spelling) another name for sago pudding?!


Is gloink/gloonk (spelling) another name for sago pudding?

Sago Pudding (Gula Melaka)

"Gula Melaka is the sugar from a coconut tree. Combined with coconut milk and poured over a sago pearl pudding, make this dessert a true delight. If palm sugar is hard to find, molasses may be substituted."
Original recipe yield: 10 servings.
Cook Time:45 MinutesReady In:45 MinutesServings:10 (change)


10 cups water
7 ounces pearl sago, rinsed and drained
7 ounces palm sugar
1/2 cup water
2 cups canned coconut milk


Bring 10 cups of water to a boil in a large pot. Gradually stir in the sago so that it does not clump. Return to a boil, then reduce the heat to low. Cook until the sago turns translucent, stirring occasionally, about 30 minutes. Pour the sago into jelly molds, and refrigerate overnight.
In a small saucepan, stir together the palm sugar and water. Bring to a boil, and cook until the sugar has dissolved. Strain through a fine sieve to remove grit.
Unmold the puddings, and serve with the coconut milk and palm sugar syrup (gula melaka) separately for each person to pour over their serving.

Hope this helps....sounds yummy!

The book of Diana

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