Why cant i find any acid to get high off of?!


Why cant i find any acid to get high off of?

lebanon oregon.

Carry yourself to San Francisco and find a flower child. They wear long flax dresses and sell flowers. She can get you a cantact that will sell one dose for $100.

Because this is The Bush-Clinton-Bush Decade and generations of Reagan Babies have learned to say NO - - - assinine drug laws hurt everyone - - - augh.

You'd do better getting high off life...try bungee jumping or sky diving.

because SMOKEY GOT PISSED and burnt the trees down so no paper mon lol hehehe

i dont know but if you get any could yo let me know, i've not any inany in a long long time, i remember the first time i took it i had to crouch down on my honkers and wrap my arms around my legs,i thought if i stood up i was going to burst with happness ! ye ha !!!!!!!!!

Here you go, try this...

You have been reported. Thanks for showing us your IQ level, made my day! Now I know at least one more person won't be up for that 100K job I'm heading toward. Have fun dragging your butt to McD's the rest of your life.

So has Dave F. You can car pool. No wait ! you won't be able to drive much longer because of your drug induced state! Ha! You'll also be selling your vehicle to support your habit. While I relax on my boat having the time of my life.

Because you dont have the right connections.

Because you're asking the wrong people.

Luckily it is because all the hebetudinous cretins such as yourself don't know that acid is simply rat poison. So you have a few choices here, you could move down to Eugene and lick frogs like the left over hippies do, or move back home to Sweet Home where you no doubt belong.

Don`t be so criminal minded, you can find something better to do that you won`t regret later. why create your own monster?

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