Which came first-the egg or the hen?!


Which came first-the egg or the hen?

God made the hen and then she dropped an egg. It is obvious God also matched a rooster with the chicken. Now, that makes more sense.

the hen

the rooster

let meknow if you ever get the right answer

Both...the egg was inside the hen.

The hen lol, Susie

What do you mean by hen? Many bird females are called hens, not just chickens.

Think of it this way. Creatures have been laying eggs for hundreds of millions of years. Hens evolved a few tens of millions of years ago. The egg WAY precedes the hen in evolutionary history.

So what laid the first chicken's egg? Something that was almost, but not quite, a chicken. The egg came first. First by a long, long, LONG time.

the word...PeAcE

The chicken.

The answer has already been found out by scientists.Chickens evolved years ago, and as they evolved slowly from microorganisms to multicellular, (and so on and so forth),they changed to a point where they were able to lay eggs eventually.

So, in a way, they were unicellular, as all creatures were at first. It was through evolution that eggs came about.

You are crossing the line here, buddy!
This is bringing up that dreaded topic: evolution vs. creationism!

You best not ask anymore questions like this.
It could start a war between the fans of Darwin and those that take the Bible literally!

The Hen. Simple organisms evolved into complex species until today when we have one, the female chicken, or hen which laid some eggs

The egg of course.

It could be said that the question simply requires one to know the context. Most people thinking of the question automatically think of the timeline and it is in this manner that both the previous evolutionary theory and religious teachings contexts arise. Other potential contexts are:

* Having looked through a dictionary from front to back, which came first? - the chicken or the egg?
* When you walked through the supermarket, which came first? - the chicken or the egg?
* When reading the menu, which came first? - the chicken or the egg?

There are two answers to this question, P., one serious, one retarded. Let's start with the former.

(1) The egg came first. We know that chickens evolved from some earlier, non-chickenoid form of life, e.g., the half-bird, half-reptile Archaeopteryx. These non-chickens, however, arrived in eggs. Ergo, eggs were on the scene before chickens.

(2) The chicken came first because (sigh) the chicken had to get laid before the egg could. Don't say I didn't warn you.

the hen

The Egg

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