Can you suggest?!


Can you suggest?

I'm trying to put some nice welcoming words on the back side of a restaurant discount card , less than 20 words.
Can any one help?

Our reward for trying us. Your reward is our fine taste in food.

just write something like "welcome to our restaurant to get a DISCOUNT"


Sorry, someone stitched this on a sampler for me about twenty years ago, and I have been searching for a place to use it.

throw us some details please:

Type of Resturant?

Is in the form of a business card or gift card?
Will the card be used more than once?

Who's the target market, is it a college town or...
is it for first time customers or is it for frequent customers

Come & Get It!

I heard this in an ad for a car salesman

''We don't want everybody's business, just yours!''

That will make your guest feel special and welcome

enjoy your discounted meals.

"Thank you for your buisness...hope you enjoyed it"

It was our pleasure serving you. Come again!

If you loved it, tell others. If you hated it, tell us!

How about putting "Welcome" on the back in a bunch of different languages?

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