Cooking classes?!


Cooking classes?

Is there anywhere to take recreational cooking classes in Spokane, WA? I want to take classes for fun, but work full time and don't want to take culinary classes at a community college. I just want something fun 1 or 2 days a week.

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10 months ago
p.s. i have looked at apple charlotte's website. she is very expensive, and booked until at least january!

10 months ago
p.s. i have looked at apple charlotte's website. she is very expensive, and booked until at least january!

Are you sure you aren't interested in community college courses? Sometimes they are really good, and they're always cheap. You might at least check out what's available. I know there are a lot of chefs/amateur cooks doing great work in Eastern Washington--such great raw ingredients!--but formal classes tend not to be that flexible time-wise. What if you asked your friends to ask their friends, etc. etc., and came up with one really good cook, professional or no, who would be willing to give you and 5 or 6 friends a home lesson or two for a modest fee? You might get a really fun evening out of it as well.

Leslie from Seatlle

watch the cooking channel and teach ur self

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