Invitation to 6 course dinner at the chefs house..........?!


Invitation to 6 course dinner at the chefs house..........?

Hi i love to entertain, i have an 8 seater dining table and only myself to eat, please join me.....

Home made pat'e with whisky marmalade
Fresh broccoli & Stilton soup
Beefsteak & Mushroom in red wine
braised baby onions, vegetable stack and straw potatoes
raspberry & kiwi pavlova
cheese choice platter
coffee & home made chocolate fudge.

I need more friends who like to be entertained.....

Ooh, ooh. Count me in!!

Love to eat well... hate to cook... will bring good wines... be witty and will do the dishes.

on my way ......ill bring a nice bottle of

ill definatly be there im kinda a pig

I would love that! I am in New Orleans, if you aren't that really sucks for me :)

Wow! Impressive. Don't your current friends appreciate good food? Why not start a supper club in your area? It's a good way to meet new people and to share cooking ideas.

OHHHHH - where do you live!! Sounds a PERFECT menu!

only yourself to eat?!! That puts a whole new connotation on dinner at yours so think i will have to pass. Is your wife away? I might have popped in for the last 3 courses tho, they sound lovely as long as there is convivial conversation to go with them.

ordinarily i'd jump at the chance, but i just had that exact dinner last night!

ok, maybe i had a frozen pizza and a warm coke. yours sounds much better.

Looks like I'm too late. If any of the above drop out I am interested.

count me in

i'll bring the sparkling and strawberries.

we'll have a toast, to live?!


i am so there! where do u live? ;0)

i will bring a nice bottle of red wine!

That all sounds yummy, What time, and where?!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll bring a bottle and I'll even help you with the washing up, how good am I ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

Sounds like my kind of meal....but i would have to be in there helping ya cook. I love to cook and bake.

im up 4 it
wen shall i come?!?

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