What soup and veg goes with glazed roast pork?!


What soup and veg goes with glazed roast pork?

having 8 people for dinner how many lbs.of pork roast do I need?

split pea soup
candied yam or candied carrots
potato salad
green bean casserole

Glazed pork ribs, or glazed pork fillet are delish.
Who needs soup?
Try chicken and corn if you must.

Go with an acorn squash soup and green bean almondine....You'll need a 6-8 lbs roast for your guests! Good luck!

For me, baked potatoes go excellent with Pork Roasts.

onion soup and slightly steamed asparagus

it depends on the type of glaze
lbs depends on type of roast if it has a bone or much fat
always make sure you got plenty for seconds
pork roast can fool you

SOUPS: French Onion Soup
Cream of Broccoli
Chicken Tortilla Soup
Green Lentil w/ Lemon

VEGGIES: Sweet Potatoes
Roasted New Potatoes, Fennel Root, & Carrots
Green Bean Bundles (bacon wrapped)
Steamed or Roasted Asparagus w/ Parm
Brocc-Rice Casserole
Stuffed Squash w/ Bulgur & Feta
Boiled New Potatoes w/ Butter & Garlic

Veg - Roast potatoes/ baby potatoes with baked butternut/pumpkin sprinkled with cinnamon
Soup/Gravy - White mushroom sauce
Fry 2 trays of sliced mushrooms in butter with a teaspoon of garlic - remove when done - use same pot for sauce.
Use the same melted butter & add a table spoon of flour & stir until a paste. If paste is too dry add a little more margarine. Pour in 2 cups of milk & boil on low heat with a pinch of salt. Keep stirring & check if the sauce is getting thick, if not, sieve in another table spoon of flour. Do not just drop it in because the sauce will get lumpy & be spoilt. Once thick add mushrooms & stir. Note that it must not be too thick becos when cold it will get more thick.

Roast pork goes great with apples so maybe some sort of carrot apple soup to start and for veggies I would do some roasted ones in the oven. Since your already using carrots in the soup you don't need to use them for your veggie dish unless you want too. Here is a recipe for a carrot or squash and apple soup.

Carrot and Apple Soup

Use the hand blender to puree this winning combination of sweet carrots and apples right in the Dutch oven. We call for Golden Delicious apples for their consistently good flavor, but feel free to substitute other varieties.

Serving: 8
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 55 minutes

2 tablespoons margarine or butter
1 large onion, coarsely chopped
3 medium Golden Delicious apples
2 pounds carrots
2 cans (14 1/2 ounces each) chicken broth or vegetable broth
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon grated, peeled fresh ginger
Half-and-half or heavy cream for garnish
Fresh chives for garnish

1. In 5-quart Dutch oven, melt margarine or butter over medium heat. Add onion and cook 12 minutes or until tender and golden, stirring occasionally.

2. Meanwhile, peel apples and carrots. Cut each apple in half and use melon baller to remove core. Cut apples and carrots into 1-inch chunks.

3. Into onion in Dutch oven, stir apples, carrots, broth, sugar, salt, ginger, and 2 cups water; heat to boiling over high heat. Reduce heat to low; cover and simmer 20 minutes or until carrots are very tender.

4. Remove Dutch oven from heat. Following manufacturer's directions, use hand blender to puree mixture in Dutch oven until very smooth. Serve soup with a swirl of half-and-half if you like. Garnish with fresh chives.

For the roasted veggies I cut potatoes, onions and carrots into chunks. I also peel garlic and throw those in too. Roasted garlic tastes awesome and sweet. I add some olive oil and herbs like rosemary, parsley, marjoram, thyme, basil and pepper. Then I pop them into a 350 degree oven for an hour or two depending on how many I'm cooking.

Hope your party goes well. As for how much....get a big one. If people really like it then they can take some home with them or you can use the left overs in another recipe.

i would have a nice melon starter....n roasted carrots n cauliflower in cheese sauce..and some nice broad beans...

butternut or pumpkin soup. Carrots, potatoes, green beans,
asparagus, sweet potatoes, broccoli yummmmm... when's dinner.

For eight people you should have 4-5 lb roast. Three pound roast would work, but no one can have seconds.

they say with pork or beef, the surving size is 8 oz - I go by the people I am serving, and what their appetites are. If you are going to be doing the plating, it's ok to stick with the 8 oz, but if it's a serve yourself, you should make extra for those hearty appetites. As for sides - a good lentil soup, and some sweet steamed carrots go nice with pork

tomato or chickhen soup with bread/garlic bread and beans,cabages,cucumber basically green salad or if u like mix salad will do

broccoli and cheese creamy soup and for veggie try a combination of ramaine letteuce, shredded carrots,cooked black beans, onions

6+ lbs for 8 people, as long as you are having sides. I like candied carrots with pork, it seems to compliment the meat. As far as soup, how about a vegetable with tomatoe style broth? Mmm...getting hungry.

a carrot/ginger soup
veg's should be earthy root ones, potatoes, carrots , turnip , beets.... then a nice salad to lighten everything up... try adding saurkraut to it!


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