Do you think Rachel Ray?!


Do you think Rachel Ray?

is hot? Have you ever tried any of her recipies?

She is cute and I like her recipes. She has a great personality and she is not boring like some others.


I don't know i can't believe they are taking off Judge Judy for her....hope she is funny or something at least....... :(

well, she is pretty, and no i haven't. maybe you should!

some are good basic down to earth recipes...and easy to prepare...

I don't know about hot but she is pretty.

I have tried a few of her recipes..pretty tasty!

I am waiting for her new talk show to premiere Sept. 18th!

I have one of her books, some of her crap is good. Hot nope, cute yeah.

i love her shows specialy 40$ a day

She's better looking than Judge Judy!!

Ive never tried any of her recipes, but she sure is hot

I hate her.
I like Giata.

idk but hot, but she is pretty

I like her b/c she is confident and she EATS !I haven't tried any of her recipes but I kno my mom uses them


I lover her. She seems like a fun person to be around. She's always so happy and cheerful. I love watching her cooking shows.

I have tried some of her recipes. The ones I've tries were good and easy. I love her 30 minute meals. I'm not much of a cook but i can cook her dishes.

Cute, not hot.

I've tried about 5 of her recipes, and was happy with three or four of them. Her recipes are easy to follow, and usually quick to make.

(I guess, thus, her "30 Minute Meals" motto)

Waxing your turtle while watching Rachel Ray? Forget about it! She plays for the other team.

She's cute. I've tried quite a few of her recipes and they've all turned out really good! I have the 30-Minute Meals 2 cookbook... the wild mushroom quesadillas with warm black bean salsa are probably my favorite and I know you can get it on

no she way overrated........ she talks with her hands instead of her mouth lol

I don't think she's HOT, since I'm a girl, lol, but her recipes are great! Easy and low fat and YUM-o!!!!!!

NO!!!!! I can't stand her, what a motor-mouth!

My sister actually is hot for her knives, particularly the FURY. I have not tried any of her recipes though.

She's so darn hott!!! Cute, funny, good attitude, and can really cook, what more can a man ask for. I'm glad she's getting a network gig.

Her cooking show's are fun to watch. She actually came to my City this last year. Didn't get to see her. But got to see the episode when she came to Oregon. I like her traveling show's better then her cooking show's.

She is annoyingly, regrettably adorable. She is one of those gals that you would just love to hate but she's too darn perky to allow you to do so. She isn't a chef by any means, but she's a mighty fine cook and can get you there in 30 minutes or less, and if you've followed any of the recipes in her cookbooks, though you aren't going to win any awards, you won't have any complaints from your diners at your table, either. Can't help but like her. Plus, I know she actually does her own work, whereas Martha (uber-bitchy) Stewart hires her own personal chef for herself and for the show. Happen to know one of 'em!!!

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