Why are pistachio nut shells not dyed red anymore?!


Why are pistachio nut shells not dyed red anymore?

there are still red pistachio nuts

Either because people got tired of walking around with red lips, or they have been labeled as not good for you if they are dyed.

You know I haven't seen the red ones in awhile, those were so good.

u can still find them, they are more expensive, make a mess and the undied ones taste the same, so why does it really matter, and there was a thing about red dye not being good for you!!!!

I honestly do not know a factual answer, but I would guess it's cost or health related, people now now the ugly green nut taste good so no more need to make them more appealing.

Probably because of a red dye health issue. But I hated that they turned your mouth, tongus & lips red.

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