What does "no cover" mean at a club/bar?!


What does "no cover" mean at a club/bar?

It is Free to get in the door...of course, drink prices will be inflated to make up for it

u dont have to pay to get in

you don't pay to get in the joint

I think it means no cost to get in.

no charge to get in.

but some places may say "no cover, 2 drink minimum" meaning no charge to get in, but you still have to pay admission by buying at least two drinks from the place.

it means that it doesn't have a roof, or that you can get in naked.

It means that there is no charge to get in the door

It means there is no charge to get in.

you don't have to pay to get in but you will still have to pay for your drinks have fun!

You don't have to pay a fee just to get in the door.

it means there is no charge to get in the door.

no cost to get in.

means no charge to actually get in the club, drinking thats another thing

you don't have to pay anything to get in

No entrance fee

it means that there's no price to get in only usually they raise the prices on the drinks a lot

Theres not a charge to enter the place.Just for the drinks you purchase when inside.

That usually means you don't have to pay to get in. Be careful because they may have a drink minimum...this means you have to order a certain amount of drinks while you are there.

No table cover or it means they havent added a gratuity or tip

it means theres no entery fee ,you in get free so get on down there and enjoy yourself

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