Ketchup, mustard, neither or both?!


Ketchup, mustard, neither or both?

Random I know!!

At at a local baseball park there is a hotdog sales guy that goes up and down the isles selling hot dogs he refers to them as

Golden Retriever= just mustard
Irish Setter= just ketchup
Mutt= both

My preference is the mutt


Mustard over ketchup
ketchup over fries only.

Sometimes both, sometimes just ketchup

Both, several kinds of mustard if you can (yellow, brown, etc...)

Ketchup, mustard and onions for me.

i dont like ketchup it because of the tomatoes and the mustard has a strong flavor to it so it is neither for me

Sometimes Ketchup but never mustard.


Sweet pickle relish.


it depends on what

Whipped creme.Where,I can't say(-;

ketchup is wayyyy better than mustard.

ketchup only

Ketchup, or Catsup.

I'm not picky.

mustard no calories :)

Ketchup on the fries. Mustard on the hot dog.

On a hamburger, I prefer ketchup, even though it taste good with mustard as well (especially the spicey brown kind). But, for hot dogs, it is mustard all the way. The only thing I really use ketchup for is for hamburgers and fries or onion rings. Other then that, I use mustard more often then not.

It really depends on my mood. Sometimes I like them both, sometimes one or the other, and sometimes neither.

I rarely eat ketchup on french fries, but I have to have ketchup baked on meatloaf and lots of it.

I usually eat my bratwurst plain, but if I put anything on it, it's usually mustard, but not always.

Hamburgers get both almost always.

Sometimes I put ketchup on fried potatoes or scrambled eggs.

I like mustard on pretzels, chicken tenders and Spam.

I've been known to put ketchup on Spanish rice.


Depends entirely on what your eatin'



Ketchup, I put it on any kind of meat and potatoes.

Depends what your having it with. Personally I don't like tomato ketchup but I love brown sauce and mustard. I like them both on a full English breakfast comprising of sausages, bacon, mushrooms, hash browns, eggs, fried tomato and baked beans with a slice of fried bread. Real heart attack on a plate but God what a meal on a rainy Sunday morning after a real Saturday night out, accompanied by lashings of hot sweet tea. Great

both work for me even some mayo


Depends on what you're eating. Fries - Ketchup. Sandwiches - Mustard.

usually ketchup only sometimes mustard too but only on a burger

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