Is everyone having a good Christmas?!


Is everyone having a good Christmas?

When this christmas arrives, I will then find out.

hope yours will be good.

Yup. Aren't you . . .

hell yeah


Wake up, you're dreaming!

Not all Christmasses are good.

When you are young, Christmasses felt better and are more enjoyed.

When you get to be old, Christmasses tend to be sadder, but it depends on how you really wanna celebrate it to make it joyful

Christmas?....Dude, it's September!

Christmas? Ur kidding rite.? Christmas is not even here yet. its still summer

I AM! The reindeer ride I took today was awesome!!!!!!!!

No I missed it.

It's not even christmas dude! but any way last years sucked,like the year before and the year befor that,and I speculate this year will be no diffrent,however,that's what friends are for.

so far its been great

Great time! I love presents

Do you celebrate the actual real date of Jesus's birth? Glad to see some people aren't still hung up on December 25

I'm currently have a great Christmas, Halloween, Easter, New Years Eve and Thanksgiving. :D

Hell Yeah. Santa is on his way soon. I just went to the Christmas Carols and just finished my Christmas shopping.

yeah...we just built a snowman and now we're enjoying eggnog in front of the fireplace.

So far, so good. But I have a feeling, it's all downhill from September.

Yes, it's great. Can't wait for Valentine's Day.

it kinda sucks

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