What should I bring to a family barbeque at my boyfriend's house?!


What should I bring to a family barbeque at my boyfriend's house?

The banana pudding that user named Ava just asked a question about. Sounds good!

you could bring some sort of fruit salad, chips, maybe a dessert...

A keg of beer

Showing the initiative to bring ANYTHING to your boyfriends family BBQ will blow his family away!

...I personally prefer desserts.....

What Ever Your Little Heart Desires Lol

A pasta or fresh green salad.

Maybe some cookies or chips for snacking. These could be very appreciated but if not needed, can be saved for later.

Things that go good with barbeque is potato or macaoroni salad they are easy to make or deviled eggs. Potato chips are another thing that goes well. Fruit salad ( you can put all different kinds of fruit togather and put lemon flavored yogurt on it for dressing makes it really good or my mom used cool whip depends on how health concious you are). Plain cut up watermelon also goes well at a barbeque.

any dish of course. anything would be appreciated i assure you. have fun!

Ask the family what they want you to bring - - this is the best course of action because that way the BBQ doesn't end up with 5 potato salads or something. If you communicate with the people planning the BBQ they will let you know what they need. . . if they say "Nothing". . . then bring a desert - - everyone loves desert :D Pie, Doughnuts, Icecream or something.

Check with the hostess-they can usually tell you what might be needed.

potato salad! everyone likes potato salad

well you have to think of something they probably wont already have , def something sweet , the are probably all covered with everything else , unless you wanted to cook up some empanadas (meat patties), i did that for a bbq a couple of weeks ago they were a big hit, you can contact me for the recipe if you are interested

I get many requests for this recipe! I got the recipe from my cousin who lives in California, it's very popular there...

8 tablespoons almonds, slivered - toasted
8 tablespoons sesame seeds - toasted
1 head of cabbage, chopped
6 green onions, sliced
4 Tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon pepper
2 Tablespoons Accent Seasoning
6 Tablespoons rice vinegar
3/4 cup salad oil
2 packages of Top Ramen
(NOODLES ONLY - crumbled)
Toast nuts and seeds in oven until browned.
Set aside to cool. Chop cabbage and slice onions; mix together in bowl. Combine sugar, salt, pepper and Accent Seasoning together and drudge into cabbage. Mix vinegar and oil together adding to cabbage and stir. Crumble Ramen noodles adding to cabbage along with the nuts and seeds. Stir. Refrigerate.

buy some store made baked beans , cole slaw, macaroni salad and other sides then get a nice tray with a resealable lid and arrange the things u bought around the tray close it up and take it can t go wrong with a variety tray

ask if they need any thing and if they say that dont need any thing dont bring anything at all and it would save you money

a nice chicken salad. You will need watermelon, thin chicken breast cut in to small cubes, Mrs dash Italian blend reasoning, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and Romain lettuce or any other kind lettuce you prefer and Italian dressing on the side. season the chicken with a splash of adobo and mrs dash in a pan greased with pam. while thats cooking prepare the salad. once everything is done throw it together and your done. I hope you try it and like it.

I'd say it depends on the culture of the overall group. Your best bet, is to make something that is one of your speciallties, but check to make sure no one else is bringing the same thing. I always think any girlfriends best bet is spinich dip with pumpernickel bread ( Knorr makes a good seasoning packet that comes with the recipie). Or potato salad . Or if you want to look extra homely, you cant go wrong with angel foodcake ( with FRESH strawberries, or blueberries of course), and some cool whip! Or, you could always ask his parnts if they need something. GOOD LUCK!

chocolate covered strawberries

I'd first ask what I can bring. If they say nothing go for a dessert. If you can't bake keep it simple. I think a homemade dessert is a great option. Maybe a pie or cookies.

If all else fails - fruit salad is always great!

If you have a "specialty" offer to make it! It's not only fun to show off your skills but a great conversation topic if it's something different.

Coleslaw or potato salad are good. If you don't cook, try a store bought dessert.

Deviled Eggs

dessert is always best

baked potato salad: quarter and boil new red potatos skins on, cool mix together, potato pieces, grated cheese, diced onion bacon bits and sour cream it tastes just like a baked potato and will go with anything!

Mini Cheesecakes. My boyfriend's family love them. And I am now told to bring them to every family function (b/c his family is so big every reason for a BBQ is potluck).

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Mix together:
2 packages (8 oz each) Cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup of sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla
**Add 1 at a time after cream cheese, sugar and vanilla have been mixed*** 2 eggs

Line the muffin pan with liners and place a Nilla Wafer in the bottom of each cup. (This is your crust). Pour the cream cheese mixture into the muffin cups.

Bake for about 20 minutes or until the centers are almost set. ***Note- When removed from the oven the centers will fall to create craters. This is normal.***

Cool and place in the fridge for 2 hours or overnight.

This is where you can be creative. You can use fresh berries and kiwi to top the cheesecakes or you can buy pie filling and top the cheese cakes. You can even use jelly beans.

Check out this site below for more ideas on Mini-Cheesecakes.

Some kind of dessert. (ie: Cake, cookies, danishes, donuts.) Never bring an entree, it'll compete with the host's food.

A good of yourself.

can't go wrong with a dessert., because its not part of the main meal, so everyone won't be obligated to try it.

i would bring a dessert - everyone loves sweets and it's awesome to save best for last!!

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