Suggestions for a business lunch for clients?!


Suggestions for a business lunch for clients?

taking referring clients for lunch. Want good food, good atmosphere. Downtown Cary, Western Cary, North Cary.

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10 months ago
We are taking referring clients out for lunch. Looking for excellent food, good atmosphere, great service. Prefer downtown Cary area.

10 months ago
We are taking referring clients out for lunch. Looking for excellent food, good atmosphere, great service. Prefer downtown Cary area.

10 months ago
We are taking referring clients out for lunch. Looking for excellent food, good atmosphere, great service. Prefer downtown Cary area.

10 months ago
We are taking referring clients out for lunch. Looking for excellent food, good atmosphere, great service. Prefer downtown Cary area.

It depends on what industry you're in and what you'll be trying to sell to your clients. You don't want it too informal ( a local diner) but you don't want it too fancy ( a rotunda restaurant where reservations are mandatory and people dress up - way up).

take them to a lunch buffet at the strippers

Sushi is always a hit.

Actually if you have a chain that is pretty good, that is your best bet. Then everyone is familiar with it and can get what they like. No offense, but I would be unhappy if I were to have to eat sushi or even Chinese or Mexican. (Not that I don't like these, but some foods can reek havoc with your digestive tract.) Different people have likes and dislikes and you cannot count on everyone having the same digestive systems.

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