I need a 40th birthday party theme for a man?!


I need a 40th birthday party theme for a man?

He's a music director and it's going to be at a church

well lets have a lordy lordy look who 40 party!find a picture of him as a baby and have it put on a cake. the bare bottom photos are the best lol. then put up pics of him growing up. try and locate friends of the past or maybe even a teacher and invite them.have every one be asigned a year from his birth to today . they must bring in the number one song for that year and 5 other items that best support that year.kinda of a hunt. the person with the best items from there asigned year wins. go on the net and find headline news for each year he was alive and post it saying this is your history. good luck and have fun


80s music, hairbands.

How about "Beethoven" with his hair all wild and totally into his music?

If he likes sports, do something sporty. Play whatever kind of music he likes. Make a photo dvd of him starting as a baby and all the way up to the present. Playit to his favorite songs. Just make it about his last 40 years, and show him how much you love him. This theme stuff is overrated.

Music! Cake decorated in, or in the shape of notes, notes hanging from the ceiling, music sheets as table cloths. Find out his favorite church songs, make a scrapbook. Have folks wrap their presents in notes or sheet music, or black and white. Black and white tableware.
Since over the hill may not exactly appropriate for church, you so have some black there. Have the choir sing, then join in the fun. What colors should they dress in? Yea, that's right.

Pop Culture and nostalgia...just have plenty of stuff from 40 yrs ago to reminisce over- car ads, billboard song hits, music, clothes, etc...


music through the decades



Hmm...black crepe is for the 50th birthday, so probably stuff from his 12th birthday, if you can lay your hands on any of it at his parents' home, would be lots of fun...go back 28 years and have a "remember when" party, and put a backdrop of a cliff (from the bottom, of course) behind HIS chair so that you can "rib" him a little about the now-level ground. A coffee mug that says, "40 in doggie years is DEAD!" makes for a nice touch, too...hehehe...

u can try the followin things

1. try a 60's theme with all the jazz n all the music that was then n maybe the food then as well

2. n u can also try a fancy dress party but i guess that wont be suitable

3. or u can try that everyone dresses like some characters in some movie of those times

Keep it classic-Over the Hill. If you want you can put your own twist into it.

Austin Powers? If he's turning 40, that's what he's going to start behaving like pretty soon.... (sigh)...

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