Any good stories about havin your "JiffyPop popcorn blow up on the stove top?!


Any good stories about havin your "JiffyPop popcorn blow up on the stove top?

My Granny did it good

My sister, me, and my step dad wanted popcorn so we cooked it the first batch we burnt, then the second batch we forgot about but instead it went everywhere. then my mom came in and was laughing and my baby sister crawled in and started eating the popcorn off the floor we thought it was so funny!!

omg lol
i put it on the stove, watched the top expand a bit and got thirsty..
i TURNED AROUND to get a drink from the fridge..

and BOOM!!! popcorn flew EVERYWHERE!!!

in literally less than a minute..!!!!

Wow, I'd like to see that... :) I've even cooked it over an open campfire, and never it had come anywhere near blowing up. Too cool.

I haven't had it blow up..

But the first, and last time, I tried making JiffyPop popcorn .. I turned around for not even a second, and when I looked back, the whole thing was on fire! I grabbed it and threw it into the sink. Man, that was scary.. and I had no popcorn to watch with my movie. :(

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