Where is cocaine sold in india?!


Where is cocaine sold in india?

where is cocaine sold in india


In the same places as all illicit drugs are sold throughout the world.


Go to the worst part of town, you will find it. You might as well just turn yourself in to the jail, cause there is where you will end up, or the morgue. 3 years clean here.

somewhere the cops havent been

Wow why dont you look at some sights about India and then look for sights where you can find cocaine. Personally however dont try it.


You shouldn't be interested in cocaine in any country.

why are you addicted? get help, not cocaine

Seems like a long way to go just to get a fix!

you may need rehab

I know where some is at...............................

Up your *** and around the corner! :)

a street called Inhjua Avenue in Coboay

do you really expect an answer?
maybe check out the "national geographic traveller"

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